Social Security affiliate records reveal how There are many more multiple in Spain of those who calculated the active population survey (EPA) so far. Specifically, they are 903,000 affiliates those who lived reality of combining two or … more jobs at the end of 2024, above the 582,000 employed that estimated the INE. The statistical difference is 321,000 workers, 53% more of what until now was taken for granted. The Government has recognized these new data in a parliamentary response to the PP, which has had ABC access, following an issue presented by the popular group, directed by Miguel Tellado.
Simulting several jobs at the same time is being an increasingly generalized practice in a labor market that the Executive congratulates itself for the monthly records. Spain has 4% of affiliates in duality labor. Over the last years, this group of workers has been growing gradually and At the end of 2024 they were already 23% more than at the beginning of 2021in one of the worst moments of the pandemic and the economic break.
The affiliation data exposed by Social Security for that response – with the date of November 2024 – not only reveal that there are many more multi -team than those indicated by the EPA, but also have been overcome The 100,000 workers who combine three or more positions work at the same time. Labor dynamism prevents a part of citizens to arrive in good condition at the end of the month, which forces them to look for another additional work.
This situation especially affects womenrepresenting 56% of all workers in multi -employment, compared to 44% of men, a collective that is less affected by this employment situation. In addition, the data provided from Social Security to the popular reveal that 70% of those multi -employed – the majority – have a indefinite contract. That is to say, that having signed for a fixed job does not guarantee many citizens to have sufficient funds to have sufficient living conditions, which leads them to look for other additional works. In addition, there is the circumstance that most of those indefinite – 40% – have a contract part -time, That is, with less than eight hours a day. Around another 17% are full time. And 11% of all find a discontinuous fixed contract, with periods of activity one part of the year, and stop the other.
In Education and Health
The parliamentary response of the Executive to the PP also clarifies that most workers with two or more jobs are in the sector of the sector education, with almost 17% of the total. Behind are those of health activities and social services (13.5%) and those of work in administrative sectors and auxiliary services (another 13.4%).
In addition, among those occupied in the Hospitality and Commerce -Two of the sectors where more extra hours are recorded and salaries are one of the lowest in Spain-, one in ten workers also combines their usual position with an additional one in another company.
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