In La Moncloa they do not want to miss the possibility that Talgo continues to maintain its Spanish essence. Therefore, as ABC has learned, from the bosom of the Government of Pedro Sánchez – and also the president himself – they have eager to explain to potentials … Train manufacturer buyers, such as Pesa Poles or Jupiter Wagons Indians, who in their proposals, scheduled for this week, include a Spanish partner, preferably Sidenor or, failing that, to the Basque Consortium of this company with the Government of Vitoria and BBK and vital foundations. In fact, so far, it is the only offer on the table to get the package that Trilantic has, at a maximum price of 4.8 euros per share, about 177 million euros.
Sources consulted by this newspaper agree that government pressures are addressed to both Poles and Indians for the need for preserve the Spanishity of Talgoso both proposals could cover 100% of the company, in the environment of the 4.8 euros the action, and then sell the part they consider, and agree, to Sidenor – or failing to the Basque Consortium – , in a proportion that leaves participation in 80/20% or 70.1/29.9%, respectively, of the capital manufacturer. Operation that could also be given to the reverse: first than Sidenor’s offer was launched over 29.9% of Trilantic, and then went into action or the Poles or the Indians for the rest.
In any case, they say sources from the environment of Moncloa, which will undergo the eventual foreign offers, as he did at the time with the OPA of the Hungarian group Magyar Vagon before rejecting his offensive for “national security reasons.”
Sunday resignation
And in all this martemágnum of conversations and “pressures”, the British Trilentic fund had set the deadline to study the offers received for its participation in Talgo next Friday, February 14. Precisely for this reason, three Sunday counselors of Talgo, two on behalf of Trilantic – maximum shareholder of the railway company – and one of Torreal, investment arm of the businessman Juan Abelló, yesterday presented their resignation in block before the sales process culminate of their participation in the trains manufacturer, which they already give for sure.
Thus, in a statement to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), Francisco Javier Bañón Treviño and Javier Fernando Olascoaga Palacio, both on behalf of Trilantic, plus Pedro Manuel del Corro García-Lomas, a trusted man of the Abelló family, They presented their “Irrevocable resignation” with immediate effects For their participation both in Pegaso, the 40.2% Talgo owner vehicle.
At the moment they remain in the highest decision body Marisa Poncela García, Jack Pope, Antonio Oporto del Olmo and Emilio novel Berlin, as independents, in addition to the Executive President, Carlos de Palacio and Oriol; The non -executive vice president, José María de Oriol Fabra – the Oriol family has about 7% of Talgo and had syndicated their shares to those of Pegasus in case of joint sale; and, the CEO, Gonzalo Urquijo Fernández de Araoz.
Sources close to the owners of Talgo explain to ABC that these resignations seek A conflict of interest by current shareholders.
It is precisely What explains Trilantic’s resignationsince the different offers on the table involve the departure of the shareholders: either with the sale of their 30% to the Sidenor industrial group or, through an OPA for 100% led by the Polish public fund PFR – through From its own trains manufacturer, it weighs – or also through another offer from the private company India Jupiter Wagons. The same justification explains the exit of the position of trust of Torreal.
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