Carlos Martínez, who has recently taken over from Luis Tudanca at the head of the PSOE of Castilla y León, was denounced for some events that occurred during the festivities of a town in Soria
The mayor of Soria and current secretary of the PSOE of Castilla y LeónCarlos Martínez, will have to give a statement before the Court of Instruction number 4 of Soria next February 5 for “walking on a popemobile distributing blessings with a toilet brush«, some events that occurred last August.
As stated in the summons from said court, the mayor could have incurred an crime against religious feelingsfor which they have initiated preliminary proceedings and have summoned Carlos Martínez to testify as a defendant.
As Europa Press has been informed by sources from Christian Lawyers, those who have filed the complaint against the mayor of the capital of Soria, the complaint has been filed considering that the mayor of Soria could have incurred a crime of ridicule for his actions in the patron saint festivities of the Soriano town of Tardelcuende.
Furthermore, as the organization has denounced, the mayor and current regional socialist leader “was accompanied by a delegation in which there were people dressed in the costume of the Swiss guards of the Vaticanor, others dressed as altar boys and others who posed as bishops and cardinals.”
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