Currently, there are many people -especially young people- who They go to the bathroom to relieve themselves and take their mobile phone. Yes, without any apparent reason or urgency that forces them to be connected even in the most remote corner of the home.
Undoubtedly, this causes many Spaniards to spend, as a general rule, more than 15 minutes sitting in the cup. Of course, spend too much time on the toiletespecially in poor posturecan cause a lot of problems.
Among them, prolapse of pelvic organs, anal fissures, chronic pain and mucus leakage during evacuation. But this is not all:
- Hemorrhoids. Being open and oval, the toilet seat compresses the buttocks, placing the rectum in a lower position than it would have if the individual in question were sitting on a sofa. Gravity, by pulling the lower body downward, increases pressure on blood circulation. Hence, the veins and blood vessels around the anus and lower rectum dilate and fill with blood, increasing the risk of hemorrhoids.
- Contact with bacteria and viruses. Bathrooms are environments prone to containing bacteria and viruses, which can cause diseases such as diarrhea, gastroenteritis and urinary tract infections.
- rectal prolapse. This problem happens when the rectum slides down and protrudes from the anus.
- Pelvic floor weakness. The pelvic floor muscles also weaken over time due to prolonged pressure on them when sitting on the toilet.
- Constipation. Spending too much time in the bathroom can cause constipation, as the brain focuses on other activities instead of sending the signal to defecate.
To take into account
Given this scenario, the most normal thing to do is ask yourself how long you should sit on the toilet.. Well, Dr. Lai Xue, a colorectal surgeon at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, in an interview in the ‘cnn‘. has conveyed that the ideal time should be between 3 and 5 minutes, with a maximum of 10 minutes on average.
To speed up the defecation process, it is recommended to walk a little, because movement can help stimulate intestinal muscles and promote a bowel movement. In addition, The expert advises staying well hydrated and consuming foods rich in fiber.
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