To the sexual scandal of Íñigo Errejónsection of political life by “intolerable macho behaviors” and denounced by the actress and television collaborator Elisa Mouliaá For crimes of sexual violence, Juan Carlos Monedero is added. Relegated from your classes … of contemporary political theory by the Complutense University of Madrid after the denunciation of a student for sexual harassment, indicated by the exeurodiputada of Podemos Lola Sánchez Caldentey and by former director of Channel Red and threatening to make public messages from Irene Montero and Pablo Iglesiasthe former director of Podemos comes to join the long list of men of the party whose behavior with women is, at least, questionable.
It also coincides over time with the dismissal by the purple formation of the General Coordinator of Esquerra Unida (IU) in the Balearic Islands, Juanjo Martínez, candidate of adding In the last general elections and representative in the Board of Directors of the EMT (Municipal Transport Company) of Palma, anonymously denounced by sexual abuse. These last three cases come to join all those that occurred in the ranks of the matches that occupy the space to the left of the left (Pedro Palacio, Salvador Salvatierra, José Ramón Blanco, Antonio Casiano Hernández, Juan Martínez …) And they seem to constitute a particularly striking behavior pattern in profiles that have cemented their political careers, precisely on the flag of feminism.
It is curious that before settle “The fry of Podemos”the students of the Complutense already said that Monedero was “a brows” and that he and Pablo Iglesias loved “feeling surrounded by grupies.”
The founders, together
It would not be until 2015 when they would attend for the first time, already constituted as Podemos, to the general elections and in its program there is not a single mention of feminism. It would be necessary to wait until 2016 to include gender equality (just the year in which Iglesias is denounced before the Women’s Institute by the journalist Mariló Montero for some conversations of kehatsapp filtered in which he referred to her saying that “it would whip it until it bleeds”) and until 2019 so that feminism appears for the first time, this time as a nuclear section of its ideology, and become called together we can “in recognition of the feminist struggle.” A recognition that did not seem, in the light of known cases, materialize in a behavior equivalent to the promulgated in the private lives of its main representatives.
For feminist Paula Fragaarticulist and jurist specialized in criminal and family law, the first thing that would be important to point out is that «it is not just about the Case Case, nor of the Errejón case, nor of the case Ábalos (Secretary of Organization of the PSOE and defender of abolitionist legislation while hiring prostituted women). Because it is not a case, nor two, nor three. This is the case of an absolutely undressing, cynical and hypocritical left, which has instrumentalized feminism at the same time that it has destroyed it ».
Pablo Iglesias
He said “I would hit that woman until he would bleed” while defending: “Men have to shut up and put ourselves behind. Spain must be a feminist country »

Juan Carlos Monedero
He said in reference to the Metoo that “a new sensitivity is emerging” towards women; While knowing sexual accusations against him, he believes that these women “are like those pigeons that need to defecate to raise their gallinazi flight a little more”

Íñigo Errejón
“There are no false complaints, there is a fanatic right whose work is to criminalize women,” he said publicly, but when the object of the criminal complaint is he, then he alleges that “everything is a lie. Elisa Mouliaá has risen to the wave to sign contracts.
And it continues: «All these people have pointed out half of men as macho, as oppressors, and has pointed out to women that we have criticized their cynicism and Its ‘feminist’ policies, which have actually been transgenerists and of a postmodern feminism that has damaged feminism and especially women and girls. And they sent these messages media, constantly, while they committed everything they accused of others. They have pointed out (and rightly, because you have to do it, abuse, aggressions and harassment of women) while they perpetrated them ».
«But we cannot talk about a generalized and exclusive modus operandi of the leftist men, because that, unfortunately, happens in left and right -wing men. But it is, if possible, more outrageous in these men for the hypocrisy with which they have been accusing others while they did it unpunished, ”he adds.
“And it is not just the cases of Errejón or Monedero,” agrees to aim the journalist and editor Yaiza SantosCoordinator of the book ‘Indomable’, which brings together a collection of essays of women who claim the return of feminism to the path of reason. «Let’s not forget that we have seen cases like that of a government vice president who placed his wife, who did not have a highly developed work career, as an equal minister of that same government. Those macho attitudes what they demonstrate is that these people, who did not contemplate gender or equality as an important and that, in addition, they were already pointed out by their macho behaviors before becoming political formation, they actually emphasized this ideology to bleach themselves. Then, of course, there would be the hypocrisy and the double standards of pointing out people, men and women, who did not think like them and that, therefore, they determined that they were not pure enough.
“The feminism in which I believe,” the journalist terminates Berta G. de Vega, Specialist in education and essayist–, equal feminism, to give the same treatment to men and women in the law and the same opportunities, advanced through exemplary individual behaviors. And had the help of men who knew how to support women to develop their full potential. Men whom these men and these women of Podemos put in the trigger pointing them as potential rapists when, in reality, they were developing the most retrograde and macho behaviors and they tolerated them ».
The signal
G. de Vega continues: «They wanted to make us believe all the advances we owed them and not those others that preceded us. I do not imagine Marie Curie, Victoria Kent, Pardo Bazán, compromising to men who treated women how these gentlemen treat women, and I do see how these women who present themselves now as Adalides of feminism and say they will protect us all. I don’t know what kind of moral and cynic tasting someone should have to behave like that. The feminism that has advanced to women is brave and not cynical. It is the one who has faced those attitudes, not the one who has tolerated them unemployed then to leave after a banner on the 8-M ».
«The important thing in my opinion – he emphasizes, meanwhile, Santos – is the presumption of innocence. We should not apply with them the same rule that they applied with others. I do not think that being heavy is a crime, that insisting sexually is a crime or that a relationship between adults that goes wrong for whatever reason is it. That is why I still claim for them what they do not ask for others: presumption of innocence ».
#machismo #feminist