The Spanish reference index, the Ibex 35compete this year elbow elbow in the parquet with the German Dax for being the index that leads the increases. The Ibex reached and overcome at the close of last week to its Teuton counterpart. In this race, what both selective are being played is nothing more and nothing less than the leadership in the annual increases of all the variable income of the old continent, having starred in the greatest increases in these first months of 2025. The beginning of the year has been spectacular for the bags on this side of the Atlantic, especially for these indices, which are quoted with a rise around 15% in just three months Year starter since 1998. The Spanish Stock Exchange adds more than a decade without closing the year as the most bullish index of its main European counterparts.
The last time the Spanish Stock Exchange managed to put this medalovercoming in the annual balance to the bags of Germany, France and Italy, it was eleven years ago. In 2014, he finally recorded a 3.7% annual increase, although almost 13% advanced in the year. This increase was above the revaluation of 2.7% of the German index, the 0.2% that obtained the reference of Milan and the negative balance of the Paris Stock Exchange, which retreated 0.5% with respect to the levels with which it began that exercise.
2014 ended positive for the IBEX after a 2013 increases greater than 20%, thanks to the fact that, since the previous summer, the European Central Bank (ECB) did “everything necessary to save the euro”, before the debt crisis of those known as PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain). The most bullish firm of that year in the Spanish index was Redeia, which added 51% at that time. But not everything was gains: Indra, Arceormittal and Endesa were the red lanterns of that exercise, with falls around 30% in that same period.
Since the beginning of the century, Ibex has achieved three times to conclude the exercise with the best balance of an exercise; The other two occasions were in 2009, with a 30% rise, and in 2006, which had a 32% annual rise. The latter is to date the best exercise of the index, in which he managed to write down his historical maximums: the 15,945 points, levels of which he is at 17% to play again today. While in 2001 it was the least bassist index of the year, with 7.8%.
And last year he stayed at the door of breaking a new annual rise record, but finally won The German Dax with almost 19% annualized rise, compared to 15% of the National Stock Exchange. Although the FTSE MIB was not very distant from these levels, noting 12.6% more up. Instead, the CAC closed the exercise with losses. The French Stock Exchange lived an especially complicated year in the face of political uncertainty within its Parliament, in addition, its flagship sector, luxury, lived a year of crisis in the face of the weakness of the Chinese consumer, its main consumer.
The European Stock Exchange this year
Although for two months they seem to be elbow elbow The Spanish and German index (both traded close to 15% upload), a few weeks ago The Ibex had lagged behind the promotions that favored the German bag and the European reference, the Eurostoxx. One of the main motivations were the elections in the Europe wave investment, necessary to reactivate the lethargic economy. Bundestag has fulfilled its stimuli plan and starting growth in the region.
But the Ibex managed to take speed largely thanks to its main sector: banking. However, this was out of script Of the investors, since before the cuts of the ECB of interest rates the natural movement was a setback in the bags, not the strengthening that is being lived in the parquet. And it is that although Indra is the most bullish signature at this time in the index, with 57% upload, the bank occupies the next seven positions within the 35 companies that make up Ibex. While Sabadell and Santander exceed 45% ascent, Caixabank and BBVA touch 40%, in less than three months. The sixth and seventh place is occupied by Unicaja and Bankinter with a 36% annual rise.
The FTSE MIB is not very far from its counterparts, with 14.2% annual rise. And while the Italian bag closely follows the steps of its companions, the CAC is below the double digit, with an 8.8% revaluation in the year, although above the negative terrain in which it quotes the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100, with a 2% and 4%respectively.
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