The King Felipe VI He has participated this Friday in the External Radio Program The wave crestwhich has offered a special edition on the occasion of the 600 anniversary of the arrival of the gypsy people to the Iberian Peninsula.
Felipe VI has begun his radio debut with the word “fetén.” “It is fetén to be with you today and I feel fetén for the invitation of the public radio To participate in this broadcast. This word of the Iberian Caló or Romaní that the gypsies brought six centuries ago to our country reflects the joy of an anniversary with which I would like to value the history we share, “said the monarch, who has also given thanks for” camlarle “to do his intervention.
Thus, he recalled that In January 1425 A man named Juan, count of Egypt Minor, obtained the first safe -conduct to be able to travel freely in Spain.
However, the king has lamented that “600 years later the history of Spanish gypsies is still a great unknown“.” A story often of persecution and resistance that lasted until our current Constitution endowed all Spanish citizens with equal rights and duties. And even today the figures reveal rejections, discrimination and negative stereotypes that many gypsy compatriots continue to suffer, “he said.
When addressing the listeners, he has stressed that the history of Spain “It is also built next to the identity of the gypsy people“
The king has mentioned referents of the Gypsy People as the poet and philologist José Heredia Mayathe first gypsy professor in Spain, who “recommended recognizing the other without prejudice, with a clean look.” “We do not forget in this anniversary that gypsies continue to face barriers in areas as important as housing and employment, and with significant needs in the future, in health and education,” he said.
“That we do not forget that valuable social, cultural and linguistic footprint that the gypsy people have contributed to our country. Let’s share this year with a message of gratitude to the gypsy people of Spain, with those that unite a common past and with whom we build today a present and future of respect And mutual understanding, “he said.
Felipe VI has concluded his intervention thanking Radio Exterior “for being the voice of Spain on the five continents.” “And thanks for camlar me, another beautiful word calóto accompany you today in my radio debut as king and as a godfather of honor of this commemoration, “he added.
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