The plenary of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) has agreed to annul the sanction of 1,500 euros that the previous mandate of the body imposed to Manuel Piñar Díaz, the judge of Granada who issued the first sentence against Juana Rivas, for revealing in a newspaper personal data of one of the children of the woman. The decision to accept the appeal presented by Piñar has been taken unanimously from the members of the Plenary, formed by ten conservative vowels and ten progressives and the president, Isabel Perelló, reported sources of the Government Body of the Judges. The decision has been made after verifying the existence of a defect form in the processing of the file, they maintain the sources consulted.
On June 12, 2024, the Disciplinary Commission of the CGPJ imposed the aforementioned fine when considering it author of a serious infraction of the Judicial Power Law for having revealed “outside the established judicial information channels, facts or data of those who know in the exercise of its function”. The body considered proven that the magistrate sent a statement to the newspaper ABC in which he revealed data on some alleged sexual abuse that one of Rivas’s minor children would have suffered. Now, the vowels have agreed to reverse that fine. Manuel Piñar claimed his “Voluntary” retirement with effects of June 30, 2024.
The magistrate decided to issue that statement after his decision to reject that Rivas left prison after the government granted him the partial pardon was criticized by certain sectors. According to the previous CGPJ, the “reservation duty” of the magistrate “does not disappear” although the facts would have already been disclosed by other ways, as tried to claim unsuccessfully before the disciplinary authority of the CGPJ. “He was knowing about certain circumstances – who affected a minor – for being in charge of knowing the procedure where such data or facts were obraded; despite this, he transferred them to a means of communication in order to justify the meaning of a judicial pronouncement,” he collected the sanctioning resolution that is now annulled.
Last December, Piñar demanded that the CGPJ compensate him with 100,000 euros for alleged “damages” and as compensation for the economic amounts that he will stop receiving for his decision to retire in advance.
The judge considered that the sanction that the body had imposed and other disciplinary investigation that he submitted to pour macho comments and insults against members of the Government – and that did not result in sanction – harmed his “physical and emotional health” and his “honor and public consideration”, which led him to ask for early retirement and reduce his income. Then, the current Plenary rejected unanimously indemnifying him.
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