The judge of the National Court, Ismael Moreno, will take a statement next Monday to producer José Luis Moreno and his ex -partneractor Martin Czehmester, in relation to an alleged 3.4 million tax fraud of euros between 2017 and 2021 attributed by the Tax Agency in the Titella case.
The magistrate has summoned both at the request of the State Advocacy after having received on February 17 the Global Report of the AEAT-onif, which has detected “numerous and solid” indications of the existence of different schemes of Tax fraud by the taxpayers analyzed.
This report studies the tax quotas that stopped entering between 2017 and 2021 Moreno and its most direct environment, which includes Czehmester (to which the judge has allowed to declare By videoconference), already the Youore TV and Cecagum societies.
The total fees that both and those two companies stopped entering IRPF, VAT and Corporation Tax in those years amounts to 3,455,834 euros. But, for there to be a crime, the fraud must exceed 120,000 euros, which does not occur in all cases, so that the Tax Agency quantifies the total fiscal crime fraud in 2,901,712.78 euros in the years from 2018 to 2020.
According to the report, in the “fiscal risk operation detected” it had “a very prominent role” The Youmore TV Societyto which a fraud of 1,919,826.18 euros of the 2,025,759.49 that ceased to enter the Treasury in those years, so it has been key to determine its true “real/final beneficiary”.
He explains that formally 98% of the capital belongs to Czehmester, who holds the “formal” condition of administrator. However, Moreno, according to the AEAT, would be its true owner. The popular ventriloch, which between 2017 and 2021 invoiced a total of 3.3 million euros, He stopped entering to public coffers in the years analyzed 1,189,386.14 euros, although of that amount the fiscal crime refers to 981,886.6 euros.
Its rental source, explains the report, were the funds received from Youore (which suffered the Centurion card that it used and were also destined for the foreign entity Sub Maldives PVT), as well as Franciscus Productions. With this producer, Moreno planned to start a series On San Francisco de Asís and whose owner, the Argentine Alejandro Roemmers, would have advanced money for the recording of several chapters.
Youore funds have also been detected for Buying of real estate in Prague and “fiscal implications” derived from the expenses satisfied by Gecaguma (which in those years stopped entering the Treasury 66,522.77 euros) in relation to Gym Center, expenses of El Corte Personal Personal of Moreno and for the purchase of a jacuzzi.
As for Czehmester, which, between 2018 and 2021, He invoiced 438,702.88 eurosthe AEAT quantifies in 174,165.61 the total number of quotas that did not pay the Treasury for personal income tax, none of which exceeds the 120,000 euros required to be a crime. The last time Moreno gave a statement in the Titella case, which revolves around an alleged fraud to private banks and investors in search of financing, was in September 2023.
On that occasion he was asked about the series contract Here I command, that he would have negotiated with RTVE serving as an intermediary of the actor and director Santiago Segura, given that his debts with the Treasury did not allow him to appear, although finally finally It was not done. That was the third time he appeared at the National Court. The first was after his arrest, in July 2021, and the second in February 2022.
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