The judge of the case of Sánchez’s brother refuses to file the cause: “Everything seems to indicate that the position was created for him”

The judge who investigates the hiring of Pedro Sánchez’s brother in the Diputación de Badajoz will continue with the instruction of the case. Beatriz Biedma has issued a car this Wednesday in which he rejects the request to dismiss several of the defenses, including that of the president of the provincial institution and regional secretary of the PSOE, Miguel Ángel Gallardo.

The head of the Court of Instruction 3 of Badajoz considers that evidence is still being collected because the hiring of David Sánchez and the subsequent modification of her job could have been “arbitrary”, as stated in the car with which it justifies to continue with The investigation for alleged crimes against the public administration (prevarication and influence peddling) and the Public Treasury in the hiring of Sánchez as head of the office of performing arts of the Diputación de Badajoz following a complaint filed by the Pseudosindicato Manos Clean. Biedma argues that the indications of crime existing in the case “have been corroborating for the investigation proceedings already practiced.”

According to the magistrate, “everything seems to indicate” that this job was created “to be assigned to Mr. Sánchez” because the request for coverage of the position was carried out at the time when the government’s brother was looking for work, “being found equally irregularities in the selection process of the candidates ”. In addition, it indicates that the “unnecessariety of its functions became evident very soon” because, as he says, “it was not arranged that it was replaced by another worker” during his leave and decrease in paternity, and “his activity focused on the project Young opera ”.

In that same car, the judge cites the former secretary general of Podemos in Extremadura as witnesses, Álvaro Jaén, who denounced in 2017 the creation of senior management, and Francisco Serrano, the representative of CSIF at the negotiating table of the Diputación Pacense who opposed the creation of that place. It also asks the Badajoz Diputación reports on the degree of achievement of the scheduled objectives and the activities carried out by David Sánchez since the beginning of his activity in the institution.

On the other hand, this Wednesday it has also been known that the judge has asked the presidency of the Government to report “as soon as possible” of the jobs that Luis María Carrero has occupied in Moncloa, a person who was hired by the Diputación of Badajoz after the arrival of the government’s brother to this provincial institution. Specifically, it has requested the start and termination date of them, signed labor contracts and the reason and date of the extinction of their employment relationship.

This probative diligence is supported by the magistrate by exposing that from the emails intervened within the framework of the investigation, it follows that Luis María Carrero “had a personal relationship” with David Sánchez before he was hired by the Diputación de Badajoz.

In addition, on February 7, new witnesses will declare in the Pacense Court. Specifically, the judge has summoned four more people, including a violin teacher at the ‘Juan Vázquez’ Music Conservatory, which belongs to the Diputación de Badajoz, and who was one of the applicants to the position of coordinator of the activities of the conservatories, since he fell to David Sánchez and then modified. The other witnesses are two workers in the Human Resources area of ​​the Diputación and an official of the Presidency and Institutional Relations.

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