The judge archives the case of the Israeli agent who brandished his gun in the Complutense because he did not have an “intimidating spirit”

Judge Carlos Valle has filed the complaint against an Israeli agent who brandished his pistol during a protest against the participation of the Ambassador of that country in an event held at the Complutense University. In a single paragraph writing, the magistrate says he accepts the reasoning of the Prosecutor’s Office, whose representative previously informed Avor of the file because the ambassador’s “escort” did not have an “intimidating spirit” when he pointed his service weapon at the protesters.

The conclusion of the file is that the Police report has been enough to convince the prosecutor and the judge. “Having seen the report presented, we understand that there was no threatening spirit on the part of the security agent but rather he was limited to the fulfillment of the escort functions entrusted to him,” reads the prosecutor’s letter, to which has had access.

The complainants, three pro-Palestinian activists who participated in the protest, have announced that they will appeal the decision of the head of the Court of Instruction number 41 of Madrid “to not allow our country to once again be directly responsible for the long list of crimes that Israel commits.” with impunity.”

In the police report, the Provincial Information Brigade explains that the individual who pulled out his weapon – whom he identifies by name, surname and foreign resident card number – has a diplomatic passport from the State of Israel and was born in Russia. “He is a person legally accredited as diplomatic personnel in protection functions of the Excma. Mrs. Ambassador of the State of Israel,” adds the Spanish Police.

The auditorium of the Faculty of Philology of the Complutense On February 7 and 8, it hosted a series called ‘Oslo Agreements: a commemoration’. The first day included the participation of the Palestinian ambassador in Spain. The next day the intervention of the head of the Israeli diplomatic delegation in Madrid, Rodica Radian-Gordon, was announced. Student and pro-Palestinian groups had announced a protest that led to clashes between them and the university’s security personnel, who were joined by Israeli agents, according to the testimony of the protesters.

The crash provoked the intervention of the Police Intervention Unit (UIP), which ended with the arrest of two women, one of them 22 years old and another 44 years old, who to this day remain charged in another court for resisting authority. . A total of 44 protesters were notified of the opening of an administrative process for violation of the Citizen Security Law.

In their report, the Information agents, deployed in plain clothes at the Faculty, claim that they did not see the Israeli agent take out the gun, as evidenced by a video recorded by the protesters. But they add that once this possibility was raised they have identified the individual and the pistol he carried: “Glock brand, 9mm parabellum caliber, with identification number (…) duly guided by the weapons intervention authorities of the Civil Guard and assigned to the identified person to carry out their protection functions.”

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