There are several car manufacturers that could, in their international development projects concerning Europe, also settle in Italy. Word of Adolfo Urso, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, who reiterated that the Italian government is now in the field and has contacts and discussions for at least 8-9 months with some of them.
Open the market
“Our automotive project is clear: we believe that to support our important supply chain, our true great strength made up of a plurality of companies, an internal market is needed which produce at least 1.3 million vehicles – Urso's words reported by Ansa – This is the objective that we are setting ourselves in a few years' time to guarantee in the energy transition towards electricity that the related industries can support the production and employment levels“.
Second car manufacturer
The minister then confirmed that the majority's intention is to convince other car manufacturers to invest in our country and to stabilize part of their production locally. “We want to open the market to other producers and therefore we know that alongside Stellantis, which is an important multinational that must invest in our country in innovative models, in research and in electrics for the car of the future, it will still be necessary another car manufacturer“said Urso.
Talks started
Not an easy target to reach, given that it is “a path that it can't be invented in a few months“. For 8 months now, the minister reiterated, the Italian government has been working to attract a second car manufacturer after Stellantis. “We think that this objective can be achieved in a reasonable time – concluded Urso – Italy once had two car manufacturers, then Alfa Romeo was sold but instead of seeing it to an international partner the then left in government, which also had the presidency of IRI, preferred to sell it to the local manufacturer, closing the market. Us instead we want to open the market“.
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