The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, reported on Tuesday that she is being investigated by the country’s prosecution with several of her ministers for the release of the Chief of the Libyan Judicial Police, Osama Al Masri, sought by the International Criminal Court ( CPI).
Meloni herself has explained in a video that prosecutor Francesco Voi has opened an investigation against her and her justice minister, Carlo Nordio; that of Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, and his Undersecretary of Presidency, Alfredo Mantovano.
The Italian Prosecutor’s Office seeks to clarify the facts that took on January 19 to the liberation and repatriation of the Chief of the Judicial Police Libya, Osama Al Masri, sought by the CPI and that had been arrested in the Italian city of Turin ( northwest). The prosecutor investigates whether these members of the Italian government could have incurred the crimes of cover -up and embezzlement, since the Libyan repressor was taken to Tripoli aboard an Italian state plane.
Meloni has criticized the prosecutor’s investigation and has said that “supposes” that the complaint has left the lawyer Luigi Li Gotti, defender of repentant mafia as Tommaso Buscetta or Giovanni abrupt, “very close” to the former Roman Progressive Prime Minister Prodi, according to the Head of the Italian government. “I say today what I said yesterday: I will not allow them to get extorted or let myself intimidate. It is possible that, for all this, it is attacked by those who do not want Italy to change and improve. But I intend to move forward, in defense of the Italians, with a high head and without fear, ”Meloni said in the video released in the networks.
In addition, Meloni has reproached the CPI that “after months of reflection” issued his international arrest warrant against Masri “curiously when he was about to enter Italian territory, after spending quietly almost twelve days in three other European states” . He added that Haya did not send this order to the Italian Ministry of Justice, as provided by the protocol, so the Court of Appeal of Rome decided not to validate it.
“Then, to this Libyan subject in Italian territory, better than to leave it free, we decided to expel it and repatriate it immediately for security reasons, with a flight as it happens in other similar cases,” he said.
Interior Minister, Piansei, illustrated last Thursday in the Senate the same thesis, attributing the decision to free him to justice and indicating “security motives” in his repatriation.
The CPI accuses Al Masri of war crimes and Lesa humanity in Libya since February 2015, which includes murder, torture, rape and sexual violence allegedly committed when the suspect was in charge of prison facilities in Tripoli, where thousands of people were arrested for prolonged periods.
The arrest warrant against Masri was issued within the framework of the investigation opened by the CPI Prosecutor’s Office since March 2011, when the conflict began in Libya, to Raiz of the popular revolt against the dictator Muammar to the Gaddafi in February of That year.
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