He Internal Earth Core is less solid of what was thought and may have experienced structural changes in its form During the last two decades, which would be located near its surface. Most likely, the changes near the internal nucleus limit are the result of a viscous deformationchanging its shape and moving in the superficial limit of the internal nucleus, indicates a study that publishes Nature Geoscience.
The clearest cause of structural change is interaction between the internal and external nucleusconsiders the research team, according to the main author of the research, John Vidale, from the University of Southern California (USA). “It is known that the molten external nucleus is turbulent, but it had not been observed that its turbulence disturbs its neighbor, the internal nucleus, in a human time scale,” Vidale explained.
The study shows for the first time that “Probably” the external nucleus disturbs the inmatethe geologist added, and are changes that can help improve the understanding of its properties and structure. The solid internal nucleus of the Earth is believed that plays an important role in the maintenance of the planet’s magnetic field. Previous investigations have proposed that the internal nucleus has undergone rotation or form over time, but not both simultaneously.
The Earth is made up of several layers: The bark, the mantle, the external nucleus and the internal nucleusthe latter located 5,000 kilometers below the surface. This internal nucleus is anchored by gravity within the melted liquid external nucleus and so far it was thought that it was a solid sphere.
Rota more slowly
A recent study showed that the internal nucleus It went from rotating faster to make it more slowly than the rest of the earth around 2010. The new study used seismic wave data -including 121 Repeated earthquakes of 42 places near the Sandwich Islands of the southern Antarctica that occurred between 1991 and 2024- to give an idea of what happens in the internal nucleus. While the properties of the seismic waves generated by the pairs of earthquakes that crossed the internal nucleus are consistent, those that only touched it are different, which, according to the authors, is best explained by temporary changes in the form of the internal nucleus .
The authors suggest that this process is most likely to be the result of the Atomalies attraction in the lower mantle or of the drag by convective flow in the external nucleus, but indicate that it is necessary to continue investigating to offer a more definitive explanation.
The discovery opens a door to the Dynamic revelation so far hidden in the depths of the earth’s coreand can lead to a better understanding of the thermal and magnetic field of the Earth, Vidale added.
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