A psychologist has revealed on her social networks what the definitive key to detecting lies: “it is infallible”. For her part, Alba or @albacardalda.psicologa, who has more than 348,000 followers on TikTok, publishes videos in which she shares data and advice related to the world of psychology.
“For the brain It is much more difficult to lie than to tell the truth“says the expert in the publication, which has accumulated more than 90,600 views. She adds that “to tell the truth we simply have to remember what happened.”
However, if our intention is to lie “we have to omit the real story while we create another invented story that has a certain level of coherence to be credible.” As it is a more complex act for the brain, it can ultimately make mistakes.
“One of them is that the lie is constructed in chronological order to give it coherence. And thus, the memorize the liar. However, the truth has many time jumps and continually goes back and forth,” explains Alba.
The most effective key to lies
The trick with which the psychologist is able to deal with any deception is that “we ask the person who we believe is lying to us to explain that story to us from the end to the beginning“.
The reverse chronological order will reveal that they are lying to us if the person “has a lot of difficulty doing it or has certain inconsistencies“: “There we will catch the lie.”
Finally, the psychologist asked her followers what they look for to detect deception. Some firmly answered that the “gestures” or “non-verbal communication” can help or who prefer to focus on the gaze and others assure that “a lie is revealed with another lie.”
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