The industry has become Aragon in it main consumer of electricity of the community. The latest data suggest that their consumption is in the 43.9% of the total of electrical energy invoiced in 2024 through the electricity grid of this autonomy.
In the last year, he copied like this 4.022 GW/hsurpassing other activity sectors such as services and even the residential segment, according to the analysis data carried out by Opina 360 for the Industry and Energy Forum (FIE).
Within Aragon, after the industry, the Services Sectorwhich concentrates the 33.4% of the consumption of electrical energy distributed and invoiced through the electrical network of the community. A percentage that supposes 3,064 GW/h. Next, there would be the Residential sector with 22.7% and 2,079 GW/h.
The Aragonese community thus consumed in 2024 A total of 9,165 GW/hwhich represents 5.1% of the national total. This percentage is in line with the contribution of the industry to the national GDP, 4.8%.
Consumption above the average of Spain
The consumption of the industry in Aragon would be above the Spanish average, 35.4%. This percentage is more than a third of the electrical energy distributed and invoiced through the electricity network. And, in this case, again the industry would be the main consumer of electricity.
In the Aragonese community, the industry would exceed, in percentage terms, also the consumption of other bordering autonomies such as Cataloniawhere this sector uses 34.5% of electricity; the Valencian Community with 30.3% and Community of Madrid with 29.5%.
However, the consumption of electricity of the industry in Aragon distinguished that registered in other regions such as the Basque Country either Navarrethat exceed 59%. Specifically, 59.3% and 59.2%, respectively.
In absolute terms, the electricity consumption of the Aragonese industry would be in tenth position, standing behind Catalonia, Basque Country, Andalusia, Valencian Community, Madrid, Galicia, Castilla and León, Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha.
Services and residential
In the case of Services Sectorthe consumption of electricity is alienated with the national average: 33.4% in Aragon compared to 34.5% average in Spain. Again, differences are observed with the autonomies of their surroundings. This consumption, in percentage terms, exceeds the registered Navarre (24.5%) and the Basque Country (23.9%), but is below Catalonia (37.6%), Valencian Community (38%), and Madrid (38.9%).
In it Residential sectorAragon, with 22.7% is below the average of Spain of 30%, according to the data collected in the same report of the Industry and Energy Forum.
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