Cases of respiratory infections have increased throughout Spain in recent weeks as reflected by the latest data from the Epidemiology Center. However, to the well-known flu and colds, we must add another virus that is also experiencing a notable increase: noroviruswhich aims to pose another problem for medical consultations.
It is a virus that is characterized by producing episodes of diarrhea, vomiting and fever without warning. The symptoms, in this way, appear suddenly and usually last between 24 and 72 hours. There is no specific treatment as such, so the authorities’ recommendation is to drink plenty of fluids.
Due to its symptoms, it is sometimes also known as “stomach flu” or “stomach virus.” However, norovirus illness is not related to influenza (flu). Thus, the flu is caused by the influenza virus, while the norovirus causes acute gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach or intestines.
Thus, among the most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea or stomach pain, although it can also cause fever, headache and body ache. It is also possible get norovirus several times throughout your lifesince there are several different types of viruses and the protection that our body generates against one may not be enough for another.
Norovirus infection can also cause other associated problems such as dehydrationespecially in young children, older people and people with other types of diseases. These symptoms of dehydration include less urination, dry mouth and throat, dizziness when standing up, crying with few or no tears, or even unusual sleepiness or irritability.
How it is spread
Norovirus is contagious and spreads very easily and also very quickly. Can contract by coming into contact with someone already infected by norovirus by sharing utensils, food, or consuming food handled by them. In the same way, you can contract it by directly consuming or ingesting foods or drinks that are contaminated by norovirus.
You can also get norovirus. by touching contaminated objects or surfaces and then putting unwashed fingers in their mouth. Norovirus can still spread two weeks after you feel better.
In the United States, during the first week of December More than 90 norovirus outbreaks were detected and in Spain hundreds of people have already gone to the emergency room of their hospital due to their symptoms.
In addition, to avoid contagion, contaminated water should also be avoided, so you have to be especially careful with shellfish since these feed by filtering the water. In the United States, in fact, the first outbreaks began due to the consumption of contaminated oysters that had to be withdrawn from the market.
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