The hidden meaning of the color of the scourers

Sunday, June 4, 2023, 2:04 p.m.

A wide variety of sponges in different colors can be found on supermarket shelves. Green, blue, silver… but do you know what their meaning is?

Not all scrubbers are the same. When renewing these cleaning utensils, you must take into account what color you put in the shopping cart, since it hides the functions for which it is best suited. This is not a decorative element but is intended to indicate which materials can be cleaned with them. In addition, the intensity with which it will allow us to scrub when we wash by hand also depends on its color.

The hidden meaning of the colors of the sponges

Blue color: the blue colored scourer is indicated for delicate cleaning due to the softness with which it allows cleaning. In this way, this utensil is the most suitable for washing glass containers such as glasses, cups or tupperware and preventing them from being scratched or damaged. It can also be used to clean the ceramic hob, the oven, the inside of the dishwasher and all stainless steel appliances.

Green color: surely the sponges of this color are the ones that sound the most to you. The classic green scrubber denotes strong cleaning. This is used to scrub kitchen utensils, which usually remain stuck to food residue, or to scratch the bottom of pans.

Silver or black color: These utensils are usually made of stainless steel fibers, so they are suitable for extra-strong cleaning. These scourers should be reserved for those utensils with embedded grease or dirt, such as the grills used for the oven. Also for the bases of those pans that have lost their original color.

Another cleaning utensil that you can take into account are bristle brushes. These will serve for those corners that are difficult to access.

How to properly disinfect scourers

The scourers that we use to clean and disinfect the kitchen or bathroom are a perfect source for bacteria due to the porous material with which they are made. According to a study by the Institute for Precision Medicine of the German University of Furtwangen, published in the journal Scientific Reports’, these sponges contain more microbes than toilet bowls.

The frequency with which they must be renewed is weekly, although the deadline date can be extended a bit up to two weeks. In addition, these cleaning items must be disinfected frequently.

The most effective disinfection method is to soak them for five minutes in water diluted with 10% bleach. According to the Organization of Consumers and Users, after each use, the remains of food that remain on the sponges must be removed. Also, you should never leave them without draining or drying. As an extra disinfection method, you can add a few drops of bleach after using them.

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