The organization has projected a heart in front of its headquarters in the capital of Turia
Cáritas Diocesana de Valencia has installed a projection in Plaza Cisneros, in front of its headquarters in the capital of Turia, in which you can see the image of a heart that beats, “like one heart”with all the people affected by the DANA that devastated the province of Valencia just a month ago, on October 29.
The entity, which has been accompanying people since the first day, since its volunteers lived in the affected populations, makes visible with this action “that the heart of Cáritas is one with those who have suffered the consequences of the tragedy.
«We are with them and we will continue to be for as long as they need us, supporting them with their accommodation needs and the adaptation of their homes, in the recovery of their livelihoods or in social, legal and labor advice and psychosocial care,” explained the director of Cáritas. Valencia, Aurora Aranda, in reference to all the people affected.
One month after the tragedy, Cáritas Valencia has begun the second phase of the emergency in which it is already undertaking support and advice tasksas well as delivering the necessary elements so that people can, as soon as possible, recover their lives.
#heart #Cáritas #Valencia #beats #affected #DANA