The Magna with which this Sunday ends the II Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety of Seville has created a historical image inside the Cathedral. The two Esperanzas de la Madrugada, Triana and Macarena, together, face to face, after their respective transfers from their headquarters to participate in the afternoon in the procession alongside the Cristo del Cachorro, the Great Power, the Virgin of the Kings, the Virgin of Setefilla, the Virgin of Consolación and Our Lady of Valme.
The sorrows coincide again in the Seo Seville almost thirty years later, but not on Good Friday, but on an atypical day of the Immaculate Conception in which all of Seville is devoted. That night of 1995 the rain forced both owners to take refuge in the Cathedral during his season of penance. This December 8, everything has been different. The Hope of Triana It arrived at the cathedral church early on the night of Saturday, December 7, after a six-hour journey from the Sailors’ Chapel and a one-way crossing of the bridge in broad daylight.
Twenty-nine years later, the #Hope and the @Hdad_Macarena they meet, front. Brothers, may this moment serve to magnify, even more if possible, our love for the Blessed Virgin and, under her protection, continue to maintain the bond that unites our corporations.…
— Esperanza de Triana (@EspDeTriana) December 8, 2024
Ten hours later, the Macarena, which did begin its transfer at a time similar to that of each Madrugada, entered the cathedral temple around 7 in the morning. La Dolorosa de San Gil is premiering.
In addition to showing off her brand new golden rose, this Saturday she tried the change of route which was going to be applied since the last Good Friday morning, so it has arrived at Alameda de Hércules through Relator, omitting the passage through Correduría and La Europa.
Both corporations have shared on their social media profiles the images of this historical coincidence that demonstrates the twinning of the two devotions, photographs that have also been echoed by the Archbishop of Seville, José Ángel Saiz Meneses
#greeting #Macarena #Hope #Triana #face #face #Cathedral #Seville #years