From becoming Olympic champion to two chocolate medals, she has spent almost half her life pursuing the Olympic dream
Támara Echegoyen has just announced that she is retiring from the Olympic career. Four Olympic Games and a gold later, the Galician has decided to hand over the role to contribute her invaluable experience from other fronts. She has spent almost half her life (about twenty of her forty years) pursuing the dream of medals and has experienced situations of all colors: from proclaiming herself Olympic champion when no one gave a penny for her to living the bittersweet experience of savoring the chocolate medal twice, that fourth place that in any other aspect of life is a feat, but in the Olympic Games leaves a bitter aftertaste on your palate.
Támara has many paths to explore: from transmitting her knowledge to the current Olympic team to managing regatta projects, to continuing to explore her relationship with ocean sailing, after the experiences she accumulated with Mapfre and Guyot. Now it’s time to solve that equation between income, dedication and enjoyment, which are the parameters that help us all decide the professional projects we embark on.
This year I have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with her. Although I have been interviewing him for many years, the Sail Team BCN took us to share a shirt for the first time, since I committed the blessed folly of carrying the team’s communication. And I am left with one thing: his incredible human quality. The maturity and professionalism with which Támara has managed a scenario that would have brought out the worst version of anyone else was a life lesson. Because at this level, sailing well is a given, but dealing with storms on land is what makes champions.
#greatness #Támara