The new president of the United States, donald trumpha this Thursday the figure of Ana Botín was praised at the head of Banco Santander in a videoconference intervention at the World Economic Forum in Davos and has assured that he will accelerate as much as possible the measures to reverse the regulatory excess of economic activity imposed in his country in the last decade.
On the penultimate day of the Forum, Trump addressed those attending the main auditorium of the Congress Center where, in addition to Botín, there were the CEO of Bank of AmericaBrian Moynihan, the presidents of Blackstone and the oil company TotalStephen Schwarzmann and Patrick Pouyanné, who have questioned the American president.
Botín has also congratulated Trump for his “historic victory” and has highlighted that Banco Santander is present in the United States, one of the key markets for the financial group, where Openbank, the entity’s 100% digital bank, has recently also begun to operate. After “welcoming” the anti-regulatory stance anticipated by Trump in the first days of his mandate, which began this Monday, he asked How long would it take to implement the new paradigm?.
The president has in turn praised his “fantastic work” and has stated that he will work quickly “to reverse the decisions taken in the last decade”after remembering that in three days he has done more than his predecessors in a decade. Likewise, he has indicated that one of his priorities will be to dismantle the new green deal or ecological transition, which in his opinion has been a “waste and a disaster.”
#Donald #Trump #praises #fantastic #work #Ana #Botín #Banco #Santander