The Government will regularize 25,000 migrants without papers affected by the DANA

The Government will regularize the situation of some 25,000 migrants without papers that were affected by the Dana that on October 29 left 227 deaths in the province of Valencia.

The Council of Ministers on Tuesday is scheduled As the country has advanced and have confirmed to official government sources. One of the requirements required by the Executive will be to have a certificate of registration, something that organizations specialized in migrations see as an obstacle that can leave out migrants without papers affected by the DANA in the face of the obstacles with which they are usually found to comply with This procedure.

This is one of the measures that will be included in a package of new actions by the Executive chaired to the different aid lines. The set of measures will have a much greater impact and that, potentially, can facilitate procedures to the 98,000 non -community foreigners already registered in the area.

The process that had been under study for weeks has been unlocked thanks to the pressure of the unions, the favorable opinion of the State Advocacy and Sánchez’s visit to Valencia on January 23.

The legal formula with which people will be regularized without papers is a residence authorization “due concrete the country. The spouses, minor children of the applicant or their partner or adult children with disabilities that limit their autonomy can also opt for that permission. In the case of foreign relatives of fatal victims of the DANA, this authorization will be valid for five years.

Oxfam Intermón estimates that between 28,000 and 41,000 migrants in an irregular situation were affected by the DANA and cannot opt ​​for state aid, which pushes them to a situation of extreme vulnerability. The NGO has positively valued the government’s decision to “activate a package of measures to respond to the situation of thousands of migrants residing in the municipalities affected by the Dana.” However, he warns that the registration requirement can leave hundreds of excluded people due to the defaults found by migrants to carry out such procedure. “It is very possible that migrated neighbors residing in those municipalities when the Dana were impacted. It is necessary to make this administrative requirement more flexible so that it is not the only way to demonstrate that they resided or worked there and that they have been affected, ”explains Raquel Checa, responsible for the zero inequality program of the NGO.

As reported, some without regularizing migrants who have suffered the Dana have tried so far to shy away any procedure with the administrations because they feel fear about their future, as reported by doctors from the world. “They are afraid of being deported because they see that there is a very relevant police deployment; It is the neighbors who take food and water, a reality that has always happened to them, but that is now aggravated by the Dana, ”said his president, Andrea Sixto.

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