The Government will facilitate the entrance to the judicial career to the 913 substitute judges that are currently in spite of the criticisms of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).
The Minister of Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, said Friday at a press conference that regularize the situation of judges and substitute prosecutors It is an obligation imposed by the EU. The European Commission has already sent two letters to the Executive to repair the situation under threat of sanction.
The Government approved in January the draft law to modify access to the judicial and fiscal career that proposes to open a selective process to stabilize these professionals and have a final place. This will be done through the special procedure of the fourth shift, a system that allows, outside the oppositions and exceptionally, give entry to the body of recognized competence with more than ten years of experience.
The CGPJ, in its Wednesday report on the norm, that validates it, criticized that several of the measures were inadequate, such as the selective process for substitute judges. The body reproached that the new selective evidence that is proposed can be contrary to the constitutional principle of equality by adding as a scale of merits the experience of substitute judges and substitute magistrates against other professional merits of relevance, which can privilege them in front of any other legal professional who has not been substitute.
In addition, he criticized that the future norm propose almost automatically compensate these professionals with 20 days per year worked with a maximum of twelve monthly payments If they exceed more than a year in a place without accessing access tests.
Bolaños said that the Executive is satisfied with the CGPJ report that validates the norm and will analyze the recommendations made by the highest judicial body.
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