The Automatic Hydrological Information System (SAIH) is not a prediction system, but of observation, the information that moves to the Emergency Coordination Center (CCE) of the Generalitat Valenciana is complementary and the monitoring of Ramblas and Caudales also compensates for the Government Autonomic, as established by the flood plan.
These are some of the conclusions that are extracted from the report sent by the Júcar Confederation (CHJ) to the Catarroja Court that investigates the management of the DANA. The judge requested documentation relative to the flow of the Poyo Barranco between 16.13 and 18.42 hours of that day and requires how they were broadcast.
In its report, to which has had access, the CHJ explains the operation of the SAIH and why it is a complementary tool that is of relative utility if it is not accompanied by data collection on the ground of the rest of the agents involved in the control of channels and ravines and an exhaustive monitoring of their data from the CCE. In addition, the update of the data is documented every five minutes of the rain recorded in the rainfall and the flow of the Poyo Barranco available on its website and the warm panels that were sent to emergencies.
SAIH operation
According to the document, “SAIH is not a prediction system, it is an observation system and, as such, shows data observed in real time.” To understand its operation, it must be taken into account that “it consists of a complex data collection structure at intervals of five in five minutes, data concentration points, transmission of those data to the headquarters of the CHJ, process of process of process of data and visualization of the meteorological and hydrological magnitudes; This whole process assumes that since the data is collected in the field until a time of about 20 to 30 minutes from its real occurrence is displayed in the average computer application ”.
The system, while automatic system transmits information continuously at 5 -minute intervals, also issues two types of notices to those responsible for Civil Protection and Emergencies: rain warnings by sending electronic emails when 30 are exceeded in the pluviometer. Liters per square meter in 1 hour or 50 in 4 hours, as stated in the special plan against the risk of flooding of the Generalitat Valenciana; and flow warnings after manual validation by room technicians by overcoming certain thresholds, but unlike rainfall, thresholds are specific for each measurement point. At this point, the report insists that “beyond the SAIH data related to the exploitation and safety of the state’s hydraulic dams and infrastructure, it must be clarified that the information and notices transmitted by the SAIH is complementary to the rest of the information that They receive the emergency coordination centers and from which they are nourished for emergency management by flooding ”.
Ramblas and Barrancos monitoring
The report highlights that “the pluviohydrological monitoring of this type of basins, due to the speed with which the floods are generated, given the low number of automatic control points and since there is no possibility of laminating the flows, requires the Participation of different agencies, as detailed in the special flood plan of the Generalitat ”. Specifically, in addition to the Confederations, they are involved in this competition according to the aforementioned Plan “Los Municipalas, the Civil Guard, the Forest Firefighters Service of the Generalitat, the Generalitat Police, environmental agents and resources assigned to the preventive surveillance service Faced with the risk of forest fires of the competent Ministry, Brigades of the Diputación de Valencia and communities of irrigators and services of the integral water cycle that will inform municipalities ”.
In addition, he adds that according to the flood plan “in the case of the minor ravines and basins and in those cases in which the information about the possibility of flooding comes from other organisms or services, the CCE Generalitat will contrast the information with the Hydrographic Confederation to determine the territorial scope of hydrological alertness ”.
Therefore, according to the report sent to the judge, “in this type of basins, the CHJ is not the one who monitors but who, with the request of the CCE, contrasts the information that reaches the CCE.” That is why “in some ravines there are control points, which are not capacity stations, but level sensors that, at a given time they can serve to contrast the information that must be arriving and coordinating the CCE from the previously cited sources ”.
As has been informing, Emergencies of the Generalitat sent forest firefighters to monitor the Poyo ravine at noon, but at 15.00 they were ordered to retire to the base.
Taking into account the characteristics of the Poyo basin, the report continues, “the functionality of the SAIH and the special flood plan itself, the safety of people cannot be trusted in the face of flood emergency, to the flow data of a Simple level sensor, which does not collect all the hydrological information of the basin and where, in any case, the reaction time for the population is very low ”. Flood management in this type of basins requires “greater anticipation, for which rainfall information serves, but above all, weather prediction has to be served.”
The rainfall data available to the CHJ that can have an influence on the Poyo Basin “are those that are located inside the basin itself and the next of the Poyo Niii, Picasent, Distribime, La Dam, Vilamarxant, Bugarra and Busoo ”
As for flows in the basin “there is only a sensor that records level information, from which an estimate of the circulating flow is carried out, which is located in the Rambla del Poyo at the crossroads with the Mediterranean highway ( A-3) ”.
The document attached the rainfall data shown on the SAIH website between 16.00 and 18.45 hotas, as well as the 16 emails between 16.13 and 18.42 hours regarding the overcoming of rain thresholds.
Poyo ravine flow data
The report insists that “the SAIH has a single automatic flow control point located at its intersection with the A-3” and that “the data obtained at that point is not representative of the flow of the Poyo ravine Tour, since different tributaries are converged down “and adds:” Because of the way in which the rains occurred (from the east to the west), the southern part of the basin (ravines of Galician, Santo Domingo, hairs, Horteta … ), which escapes the control of the Saih sensor, is the one that first generated the flood that began to flood before even that said sensor began to register an important flood. We remember that the rain record registered in the Aemet pluviometer in Turis (185 l/m2 in an hour between 15:30 and 4:30 p.m. on October 29, 2024), feeds these southern ravines of the southern basin of the Poyo Barranco ”.
In Report, it details the data published on the SAIH website in the established period from 16.00 to 18.45 hours, in the alleged informative blackout denounced by the PP. According to the data recorded from 5:40 p.m. a sudden increase in flow occurred. “The data of this abrupt rise were available at the CPC between 18.00 and 18.10 hours”, that is, two hours before the sending of the SMS massive to the population, which was also commanded by the risk situation of the Forama dam .
The report referred to the judge shows again that “although the censorships were available at all times on the SAIH website, the Saih Sala technicians reduced an email to the CCE once the information once validated and proven the information on the increase in cauda ”l. This email to the CCE was sent 18.43 and in addition to the flow data, the warning that the climb was “very fast” was also included. Thus, “apart from the publication of the data on the SAIH website, the following emails were sent between 16.13 and at 18.43 hours.”
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