The Spanish Observatory of Racism and Xenophobia (Oberaxe), under the Secretary of State for Government, and LaLiga will monitor and pursue hate speeches in the main social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube and X) through the ‘Faro System’.
It is estimated that the messages of hatred reports will increase approximately 20%: “We have taken a step not only quantitative, but qualitative in one of the objectives that we have set from the Government of Spain and, in a concrete way, this Secretary of State through the Oberaxe: the eradication of hate discourse, which in social networks has an impact and a worrying proliferation,” said the secretary of migrations, Pilar Cancels.
Through a press releasethe Ministry states that this system will use artificial intelligence, trained in the Monde’s Observation Monitor (Mood) of LaLiga, for “the identification and real -time analysis of the hate discourse contents with racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, anti -Semitic and antigitan” motivation, published in the five mentioned platforms. The Faro data display monitor is available for consulting all citizens on the new Oberaxe web portal.
“The development of the FARO system was born in October 2024, thanks to the agreement signed between the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations and LaLiga to combat hate discourse from sports. This joint work has allowed Oberaxe Hate on the Internet, signed in 2016 by the European Commission with the main social media platforms implemented in European territory, “they report.
LaLiga’s brand and strategy director, Ángel Fernández, has underlined the “great utility” that the Faro system will also have for LaLiga, which “will give us the light” to “decide” on the actions that it promotes and “to clean these contents” of social networks, but also of the football fields.
#government #LaLig