The magnitude of the returns will depend on the decision taken by the Treasury regarding whether or not the minimum wage will be subjected to retention
The business is round. The increase of 700 euros per year of the minimum interprofessional salary, from 15,876 to 16,576 euros, decreed by the Ministry of Labor, signed yesterday by the union leaders of CC.OO. and UGT, Unai Sordo and Pepe Álvarez, and which will be ratified on Tuesday by the Council of Ministers, will not only be executed with a zero or residual expense for labor costs for the state coffers, whose workers operate in some salary ranges located located above that threshold, but will leave some Millionaire returns in tax and quotes social.
According to a technical projection to which ABC has had access, in the absence of regulatory changes, that is, if the Treasury decides not -They at present at 15,876 euros- State coffers will enter 560.18 euros per year for each of the more than two million perceptors of the minimum wage that see their remuneration increased.
The largest pagans of this succession of increases in the minimum wage in recent years, which have served to increase the reference by more than 60%, companies have beenthat they have not only had to deal with the annual improvement imposed by law but to the social costs associated. In this case, the 700 euros of annual ascent decreed by the Government They will imply a worker cost for companies of 913.99 eurosonce added to the account the cost of the social contributions that companies have to assume for each worker they have in staff for common contingencies, unemployment, fogasa, training and this year increased by the mechanism of intergenerational equity.
Those 213.99 euros of contributions paid by the entrepreneur on account of the SMI rise will feed the needy social security coffers. They will also take 45.36 euros of the quotes whose payment corresponds to the worker. If the union estimate that places the perimeter of the SMI is accepted in a universe of about two million perceptors, the rise will leave in the social security coffers about 430 million extra euros.
The unknowns of the personal income tax
That impact will multiply nevertheless if Hacienda decides, as it has slipped in recent weeks, Do not raise the rental threshold that activates the obligation to retain to equate it to the new minimum wage. That movement would make a good part of those two million workers who receive the SMI began to have a retention in their payrolls with very significant effects.
On the one hand for the worker, since the activation of this fiscal retention would reduce the effective impact of the SMI ascent of almost 21.5 euros per month and more than 300 euros in the set of the year. But also for the state coffers that would find revenue in retentions of around 600 million euros that to date did not receive.
At the close of this edition the government still pondered what to do with the fiscal flank of the ascent. In recent days, the Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, and the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, have had a crossing of statements since work does not want the fiscal cost to deactivate part of the improvement of the improvement of the SMI climb, and Finance understands that with the minimum wage near 1,200 euros (1,184 euros in 14 payments, 1,381 euros in 12 pays) begins to be time for the SMI perceptors to make a fiscal contribution, which in net terms It would be equivalent to an effective type of about 2%.
Last year was a PP political offensive The one that forced the Treasury to update the exempt limit of the IRPF and the popular ones again demand that this reference be reviewed, in line with the work thesis. When the balance of the 700 euros rise of the SMI would be the following would be the following : The cost for the company will be 913.99 euros per worker; These will enter 353.8 euros extra if the Treasury does not change the law; and State and Social Security will be carried out 560.18 euros per tax perceptor and installments.
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