The gym market is fully aware of the existence of certain low moments in which it seems that its members lose their enthusiasm, but they are also aware of those key dates for attracting new clients. September is traditionally a good month, you have to burn off the excesses of summer and get back to routines. April is another good time, summer seems closer and we begin to put away our coats and leave our curves of happiness a little more visible. The rush comes and the gyms fill up. But if there is something symbolic and powerful in our minds, it is the change of year, the great resolutions. I will be a better person, I will stop smoking, I will visit my aunt Paqui more and I will exercise. These are all good intentions, but setting out to exercise is something that many people seem to resist.
It should be noted that to exercise you do not need a gym, but rather a good plan that generates adherence, but it is true that the fact that it hurts our pocket, with the payment of a fee, usually works well as a motivational lever. Paying for a product that we do not use is quite uncomfortable for any minimally decent conscience. Although perhaps it is another of our self-deceptions because how many people do you know who pay a gym to avoid going? Well, quite a bit, and here is the trap of the great offers intended, above all, for those people who will pay to never go.
Any subscription has a similar behavior pattern. There is a group of users for whom the product they pay for is a priority. They are faithful. There is another group with doubts that we must try to retain in the best possible way. And there is the last block, the largest, and they basically live in the search for the cheaper the better or I sign up until the burden of conscience leads me to unsubscribe. The claim of offering a very low monthly payment under whose fine print hides an advance payment for the entire year, or a minimum commitment of ‘x’ months, are nothing more than an attractive disguise to achieve a guaranteed minimum income and little else.
There are many reasons why an objectively good gym may not be the one for you. A class schedule that does not fit you, that catches you out of hand, that the hours you can go are those in which not even a pin fits, that the general atmosphere is of one type or another… Assess all these aspects . Don’t be dazzled by the number of sophisticated machines, ask to be shown to the free weight area and ask why there isn’t a room trainer there watching or helping if that happens. Changing rooms. Cleaning. Attention… evaluate everything calmly and do not lie to yourself by saying ‘it is a very low fee’. Paying twenty euros a month and then not going is much more expensive than a fee of fifty euros at another gym that you are going to use. Mathematics does not lie and our heads almost always do. If your purpose is real, you are considering a life change and not a one-month threat. Think about it calmly.
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