The deadline for submitting allegations to the open process to declare the monument to Franco de Santa Cruz de Tenerife expires well of cultural interest on April 10. Since last March 13, citizens You can consult all documentation In this regard and present theirs in this procedure that the Cabildo (CC-PP) has opened in compliance with a sentence. At the moment, the statue of Juan de Ávalos has two unfavorable reports to declare it BIC and two others that extol its artistic value, without taking into account that it is an exaltation of the Franco dictatorship.
The unfavorable reports are those of the University of La Laguna, which insists that “there are no exceptional artistic values” in this work and refers to its historical context. In addition, it highlights “the relief that the author acquired in a political-social dimension due to his link with an important part of the symbolic production of the Franco dictatorship, in his monumental sense, of the Catholic Church and the political-economic elite of the regime. spread an ideological vision of the political system in force during the dictatorship. ”
This ULL report also remembers the symbolic elements of sculpture such as “the idealized representation of the figure of Francisco Franco as a young and athletic male”, and “of the values that are associated with their figure such as faith, flag and victory- or the sword, the cloth to the wind and the winged angel.”
Another report that is unfavorably pronounced is that of Museums of Tenerife, which refers to different publications in the press, such as one of the year 1966 of the avant -garde of 17 where it is stated that “all the historical content is admirably reflected by the skillful and artistic chisel of the sculptor in this monument: Franco, the intrepid captain, direction symbol and headquarters; his sword in the form of a cross in the form High values of the homeland was what I was going to undertake;
This report also refers to the newspaper “above” that in its March 17 number it includes the “inauguration of a monument to the leader in Santa Cruz de Tenerife”; or the ABC newspaper of the same date, which exposes the news of the “solemn inauguration of a monument to the leader in Santa Cruz de Tenerife”, being summoned as a monument to Franco by various authors.
This Tenerife Museo Document clarifies that “beyond its artistic values that are currently discussed, we believe that the symbolic burden is in contradiction with Law 20/2022, of October 19, of democratic memory that establishes with respect to the acts or items commemorating the Franco regime that no one can feel legitimated, as happened in the past, to use the violence in order to impose their violence in order to impose their violence. political convictions and establish totalitarian regimes contrary to the freedom and dignity of all citizens, which deserves the condemnation and repulsion of our democratic society. ”
It also recalls that “elements contrary to democratic memory, buildings, shields, badges, plaques and any other elements or objects attached to public buildings or located on the public roads in which the commemorative mentions of exaltation, personal or collective, of the military uprising and of the dictatorship, of its leaders, participants in the repressive system or of the organizations that supported the organizations that sustained the sustaining the Dictatorship, and the civil or military units of collaboration between the Franco regime and the axis powers during World War II ”. Between the bibliography he quotes is’ fallen angel‘, The short film by filmmaker Miguel G. Morales.
Favorable reports that avoid the dictatorship
The favorable reports to protect the statue are those of the Royal Academy of Extremadura of the letters and the arts, which refers to the fact that the work “is part of the outstanding monumental production that the sculptor carried out both for Spain and for different Latin American countries” and adds that “the work has elements that sought a remarkable fame to the sculptor of this type of works” and mentions “the search for spectacular and colossalism ”.
On the historical context, it obviously commemorates Franco’s departure and states that “the message of the sculptural group is framed within the political campaign alluding to the peace period of which the Franco regime made from all possible projection actions towards society made a flag, the art being one of them and the Tenerife monument one more example.” The Extremadura academy concludes that “for the quality of the work, for the place it occupies in the context of the sculptor’s work and for being an eloquent testimony of a historical-artistic period,” BIC favorably declare it.
On the other hand, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts San Miguel de Arcángel, which only focuses on that “it was one of the most relevant sculptors, among which the figuration in those years” worked and exposes its curriculum and its production. In addition, he warns that “sculpture can be considered a good example to explain formal aspects of three -dimensional composition.”
This newspaper has tried to know if the academy has any more extensive assessment about the historical context of sculpture, but has not ruled. Last week, the artist Grancanario Acaymo S. Cuesta resigned from a prize precisely for the defense of this academy to the monument to Franco. The artist recalled that his work is linked to the defense of social justice and human dignity, as well as democratic memory.
For its part, the College of Architects of Santa Cruz de Tenerife points out that “convinced of the mediating role that must motivate the actions of a professional college such as our case, we claim as an alternative the implementation of a participatory process in the terms that we have previously expressed that, within the margins established by current legislation, try to achieve the maximum possible consensus to repair the victims, reinforcing the values of our democratic system improving everyone as citizens. ”
It should be remembered that the catalog of vestiges of the Canary Islands (canceled by the executive of Fernando Clavijo) concluded that the “withdrawal of the sculptural group” is necessary, which is configured by a base that is an allegory of the island of Tenerife, “which acts as an anchor of the upper pieces and as a symbol of the contribution of the island of Tenerife to the military uprising”. It is also composed of “the figure of the archangel”, which symbolizes the flight made by Franco on the plane known as Dragon Rapideand the “own symbol of the religion war that receives divine aid through the angelic figure.”
The experts and experts then stressed that it is a violation of the law that allegorical figure of General Franco on the Archangel “represented as an athletic young man dressed in a tunic that alludes to the national flag and presents a sword in front that is identified as a cross.” The complex also contains the allegorical shields to the nine judicial parties of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1960, which represent the claim to mean the recognition of the military uprising and civil war as a fair and legal cause.
Also, to finance the monumemto to Franco the method used, the “popular subscription”, which was practiced through the control exercised by the bodies of military and civil government, which were possessors of the citizenship information. The catalog of vestiges reflected those extortion, pressures and a high degree of control.
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