If on Monday the absolute protagonist of the first session of the trial for sexual aggression and coercion against the former president of the RFEF, Luis Rubialeswas the alleged victim, the player Beautiful Jenniferyesterday the second day placed in the focus on the magistrate … that prosecutes the facts, José Manuel Clemente Fernández-Prieto; that ended up announcing to the room that was “to the limit” of his patience.
The reason lies in the tenor of the testimony that were offered yesterday, when Rubiales’ core appeared in the areas of communication (Pablo García Cuervo) and integrity (Miguel María García Caba), as well as the newly renewed national coach in office, Luis de la Fuente. Who else and who least took his rapapolyas well as the Fiscal Lieutenant of the National Court, Marta Durántez, in her effort to make understand in the Chamber that when a test has been admitted in a trial, it must be practiced. The public accusation wants to deepen the report that the Integrity Department made in 36 hours without beautiful and prefabricated testimonies, although the judge has already said that these statements are not valid. The prosecutor came to say that the trial could be declared void and the magistrate ended, reluctantly, accepting questions about the matter: García Caba said that his report has no “efficiency” or legal validity, which was only to decide what channel Internal to derive the theme of the kiss and that “unfortunately” beautiful did not want to participate.
The perhaps more Bronco was during García Cuervo’s statement, the same one that began recognizing that he blamed his dismissal to Hermoso and other players. Witness of the accusation, He said of her that “he is a quite influential and quite manipulable person” And that he didn’t give him confidence. Thus justified that “he prepared with the supervision of the president (Rubiales)” a statement attributing him quoted without talking to her before, the note by which he was lowered from the bus on the way to the airport and that she treated “with reluctance.” If I had said no, that statement would not have been carried out, clearly, “he said.
There was already tension with the prosecution in this part of the interrogation, by Dilrenate answers and challengingbut it was increasing when the one who interrogated was the popular accusation that the AFE exercises. García Cuervo came to reproach his lawyer who would not have “prepared the trial.” “That’s it. My patience is reaching a limit. He comes here to declare, enough of those answers. I want to know things clearly, not with chulería, ”said Fernández-Prieto stirring in his chair. He intervened after minutes. “If there are comments from who asks and who answers this is a crazy interrogation,” he said.
Luis de la Fuente also touched his share after engaging with the Prosecutor’s Office because he contradicted himself regarding what was declared in instruction. If in the court he said that on the Sydney’s return plane heard the statement or the video that he had to record beautiful, he no longer remembered anything. “Roundly, no,” he said after hesitating. The prosecutor recalled that a witness must tell the truth under penalty of incurring false testimonybut from the source he remained in his thirteen and again, the judge: «He is a witness who has been saying that he knows nothing and we have determined that he is a liar. And I don’t say it is not, but want if they consider that it lies in the trial, ”he settled.
Sexual aggression?
But the next question was whether he was in the Extraordinary Assembly of the RFEF in August 2023. “I do not come to talk about that issue,” he replied. Fernández-Prieto stirred in his chair: «You do not choose what it comes to talk about. Here one comes to talk about what is asked, to answer what is asked with the obligation to tell the truth, ”he snapped.
Without anger but with controversy, the psychologist López Vallejo for his contribution to the Integrity Report, which implied that he had spoken with beautiful and it was not so. Yesterday he said he perceived the kiss as something “anecdotal” and in the report, edited on an integrity draft, he reflected that it was “compatible” with “a gesture of effusivity” because it can be “with this and with something else.” “Compatible with sexual assault?” The Durántez prosecutor replied. The judge did not let him answer.
The sessions resume today.
#forgetfulness #chulería #witnesses #led #limit #judge #Rubiales #case