He automotive It is strategic in the Aragonese economy with more than 300 companies and More than 34,000 jobs27% of the total industry in this community, with a Business volume of about 12,000 million of euros, which represents the 30% of GDP in Aragon.
Despite this importance in economic and employment, the automotive sector is immersed in a transformation process with the irruption of the electric car, but also within a context of fall in vehicle sales, especially in Spain, where an aged park is recorded. In addition, there has also been a export decrease of the automotive sector.
In order to face the global challenges of the future and continue attracting investments, one of the last in the sector is the Battery gigafactoría at the Stellantis plant in Figueruelas, in Zaragoza, in Joint-Venture with China Catla package of measures has been designed within the Aragonese Observatory of the automotive, with the support of KPGM.
In these nine months, since the constitution of this observatory, it has worked in this document that includes a total of 37 articulated measures around four objectives focused on making visible the Aragonese automotive sector and its ecosystem; energize the sector through integration, talent and technology; Lead the future in the face of new global challenges and design a shared strategy.
Among the concrete measures that have been determined, for example, those linked to administrative simplification, as well as the impulse to training and recalification in digital skills, the creation of incentives for the sector or the design and implementation of a Comprehensive plan for Aragon to be strategic destination for investment attraction of great size.
The document is also advocated by creating a investment fund and boost strategic alliances For the sector in order to finance large linked tractor projects, for example, with sustainable mobility and energy transition to the electric vehicle and decarbonization.
Other proposals focus on implementing a Network of Centers and Collaborative Innovation Spaces and review the inventory of resources available in technological centers, universities and other entities according to the needs of the business fabric.
The Digitization It is part of this package of measures in order to design a specific plan for the automotive sector. In addition, the need to create a Accelerator specialized in driving and its logistics processes to support emerging companies and SMEs that develop advanced technology. This last initiative includes mentoring and having test facilities. In addition, you must work on connection with large companies.
Synergies with Other clusters o European technological platforms are another measure that is considered necessary, as well as betting on the dual training, continuous training and professional recycling. The focus on other actions is also focused on, such as making known the attractions of the automotive sector to improve the perception that citizens have, especially young people to attract them in the workplace.
Precisely, in the field of work, a series of measures aimed at reducing work absenteeism and improving productivity, retaining talent and attracting it in rural areas, among others have been completed.
The document in turn collects actions to improve competitiveness within a global environment. A segment in which the Business diversification in emerging sectors Linked to sustainable mobility, electric batteries and renewable energies. It also affects an urgent strategic investment plan in technology, training and support for SMEs.
The promotion of private public collaboration for investment attraction is another key axis, as well as the optimization of the supply chain, the promotion of Inorganic growth of SMEs through mergers and absorptions or the elaboration of a study that offers a real and updated image of the weight that the automotive sector has in the economy of the autonomous community.
Finally, in terms of sustainability, proposals are collected such as the creation of itineraries for decarbonization and circular economythe clarification of the legislation on neutral fuels in carbon, the decarbonization of productive and logistics processes, the promotion of shared transport between companies or the adoption of ESG criteria (environmental, social and corporate governance).
In this plane of sustainability, a Specific incubation and acceleration program Focused on this issue, as well as an industrial waste management platform, with public-private collaboration, for efficient management and valuation.
They are some of the 37 measures agreed in the Aragonese Observatory of the Automotive sector, promoted by the Automotive and Mobility Cluster of Aragon (CAAR) and the Metal Federation of Metal of Zaragoza (FEMZ). His conclusions have been announced in Mobility City, in Zaragoza, within an act in which the Vice President and Minister of Presidency, Economy and Justice of the Government of Aragon, Mar Vaquero, has been counted; the president of the Automotive and Mobility Cluster of Aragon and the FEMZ, Benito Tesier; Mobility City coordinator Jaime Armengol; The General Secretary of the CCOO Aragón Industry Federation, Ana Sánchez and the Secretary General of the Federation of Industry, Construction and Agro of UGT Aragón, Sergio Sancho.
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