In Spain, Alzheimer Spanish Society of Neurology (Sen). Let us keep in mind that forgetting where we have left the jacket or how many years a relative or friend are mistakes, to some extent, considered normal for mental health experts over the years. With the natural cognitive impairment of aging There are some things that can ‘escape’ without having to worry about it.
However, there are mistakes and mistakes. Professionals consider not all momentary memory forgetfulness or losses They must be a matter of concernif we maintain a balanced and varied diet, we practice some type of usual physical activity and maintain healthy social relationships. From there, we must remain attentive to some problems that could be indicating that dementia begins to take its first steps. What are those signs?
Keys to detect the first symptoms of dementia

Beyond not remembering where we have left the keys, or having forgotten some names, science warns that there are a number of symptoms that could announce that The mistakes hide something more serious behind and require medical care for a diagnosis as early as possible.
Recognize the early stages of dementia will slow down its progress with professional help and, probably, the appearance of Alzheimer’s when dealing with the causes it hides. From Clínica Mayo they warn of some of the symptoms that put us on notice: one of them could be the fact that the affected person constantly repeat the same questions. This happens due to an inability to retain recent information.
Another of the keys to suspect is that Mix words and conceptsexchanging similar words but with different meanings, as well as forgetting words of the daily vocabulary in a recurring way, or Not being able to complete the phrases causing uncomfortable and shocking silences.
Overwhelm with routine tasks, those that are always being done, is another alarm sign, just like changing the place objects by placing them in meaningless placessuch as the portfolio in the fridge. That happens once it is not significant, but that it becomes a habit yes.
When we should consult the doctor when observing these signals

Clearly, health professionals invite us to observe (since the affected person may not realize) if in our environment there is a person to whom these mistakes happen that interfere in the normality of their day to day. One of the clear signs that we must take the relative or friend to the specialist is a change of constant and inexplicable humor and encouragementas well as irritability and anxiety, accompanied in many cases of social isolation.
Not being able to maintain a ‘normal’ conversation, repeatedly, is another symptom that memory losses are somewhat more serious, just like not retaining immediate information or disoriented in places where it has been lived For years, such as friends and family houses.
The sooner we act, the better the prognosis and the evolution of the possible dementia, which has its main manifestation in our country. He population aging For the greatest life expectancy, and the current lifestyle, they are the main reason for prevalence of this neurodegenerative disease especially present in those over 65.
Pablo Martínez-Lage Alvarez, Manuel Martín Carrasco, Enrique Arrieta Antón, Jesús Rodrigo, Francesc Formiga Pérez. ‘Alzheimer’s disease map and other dementias in Spain. Mapea project ‘. Spanish Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology: Official Organ of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Consulted online December 28, 2024.
The Alfa Study and Nested Sub-Studies. Barcelona Beta Brain Research Center. Consulted online December 28, 2024.
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