On the occasion of World Cancer Day, chaired by the Queen, president of honor of the Spanish Association against Cancer and its Scientific Foundation, more cancer data has been presented, the first open space of data on this disease in Spain. It arises … Given the absence of an integrated knowledge model on cancer, to boost equity in approaching the disease throughout the territory, improving access, homogeneity and quality of the available information. These deficiencies hinder the design of effective health strategies that increase survival and improve the quality of life of patients.
It is an initiative of 24 scientific entities and patient associations to generate an integrated knowledge model in cancer that collects 69 indicators, organized in the six main dimensions of the person’s itinerary in cancer: Primary health and prevention promotion, prevention Secondary, early detection, diagnosis, health care, monitoring and end of life.
Thus, it is a dynamic tool that analyzes the evolution of these cancer indicators over time, comparable, which will allow working in a coordinated manner with public administrations in the main areas of improvement identified of the health system and in the deficiencies and information gaps on cancer. It will be accessible to the whole society through the website www.masdatoscance.es.
According to Ramón Reyes, president of the Spanish Association against Cancer, «this project will promote equity in the approach to cancer throughout Spain. Having an integrated and global model of cancer knowledge will allow all public institutions with responsibility in the development and management of health policies to converge on more homogeneous measures that reduce inequities. ”
Improve knowledge
The 24 entities that are part of more cancer data indicate the need to work in a coordinated manner with the different public administrations to establish mechanisms that improve knowledge and equity in cancer in Spain. They claim prioritization in data collection to improve the knowledge we have about the patient’s itinerary indicators; Ensure access to cancer information in an understandable and accessible way and ensure the participation of patients in the generation of the cancer knowledge model to ensure that what is measured is the important thing not only for the system, but also for the patient.
In the creation of more cancer data, the Spanish Association against Cancer, as a promoter of the project, and the Weber Foundation, as a technical secretariat. In addition, organizations such as the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology (Seor) or the Spanish Hematology and Hemotherapy Society (SEHH), among others.
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