The female return to Spain, in its third edition, will start on May 4 with a counterreloj by 8 km teams, and will consist of seven stages, until May 10, with a final breakuprack. In the presentation held on Monday in the Tinglados of the Port of Barcelona, the details of a Spanish round were given that will feature 20 teams, 13 of them of the UCI World Team category, and seven guests.
First stage
8 km counterreloj by Barcelona with the background pedrera
The Women’s Tour will leave on Sunday, May 4, Barcelona. This first stage will be a counterreloj by teams of 8 km with exit and arrival in front of La Pedrera, in the middle of Gràcia. Barcelona can exhibit in all its splendor, as it did with the start of the return of 2023.
It will be an explosive and short counterreloj, in an unique tour, but that will demand a lot of concentration.
Second stage
From Molins de Rei a Sant Boi de Llobregat
The second stage, first online, of 99 km, will lead to the squad of Molins de Rei to Sant Boi de Llobregat. He will have his most intense moment as soon as he started with the high of the Creu de L’Aragall (537 m) of the second category, in Corbera de Llobregat Road de Gelida. The final part, with arrival at Baix Llobregat, is conducive to sprinters.
Third stage
From Barbastro to Huesca, wind and fans
The third stage, 132 km between Barbastro and Huesca, is expected as a propitious day in which wind and fans are expected. Another stage designed for sprinters.
Fourth stage
From Pedrola at Borja, 111 km
The fourth day the half mountain arrives with the climb to Alto del Moncayo (1,027 m), second category, and the port of El Buste (760 m), third category, 10 km from the finish line. In total, 111 km conducive to the getaways.
Fifth stage
From Golmayo (Soria) to Lagunas de Neila, first serious port
The fifth stage will leave Golmayo (Soria) and will arrive at the end of 120 km to the Lagunas de Neila, high category high at 1,857 meters. Along the way, another Rompepiernas, El Alto de Rozavas (1,590 m), second category. It will be the first great mountain test for cyclists, a first selection of favorites.
Sixth stage
Becerril de Campos-Baltanás, 126 km flat stage
The sixth stage will lead to the Becerril de Campos squad to Baltanás, a flat stage of 126 km to recover from the beating of the previous day, and gain strength for the last day. The greatest danger will be the wind and the formation of fans that can cut the platoon.
Seventh stage
La Robla-Cotobello (Astuirias), 152 km with final traxca
The seventh and last stage is a bomb: the robla-couchlory (Asturias), 152 km, with end high, and 1,500 m of accumulated slope. “We have thought that it decides here; They are going to go up to Cotobello, ”Fernando Escartín, the director of the Women’s Tour. Before the final track they must face the Alto de Colladiella (840 m, 2nd) and Colladona (848 m, 1st).
#female #return #Spain #leave #Barcelona #traca