Eliminate VAT from basic foods for perceptors of the cardboard card. The Community of Madrid proposes that the products acquired through this new benefit are exempt, after decaying at the end of the year the measure that freed food from this tax. “This It would greatly relieve vulnerable families, allowing resources to be destined for the essential, ” This is stated in the letter that the Minister of Family, Youth and Social Affairs, Ana Dávila, has sent to the central government. The letter with the request has been addressed to the Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, and the Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, Pablo Bustinduy.
“I address you to express our Huge concern about the situation that many families are going through Vulnerable in our country “, begins by exposing Dávila. In the lines directed to both ministers, he states that the situation in Spain has worsened” since the Pedro Sánchez government assumed “, when the proportion of population that lives in homes with lack of severe material is increased , placing the country in “the worst record in 20 years and a new historical record.”
According to 2024 data from the National Statistics Institute (INE), the percentage of population at the national level with Severe material and social lack is 8.3%, compared to 9.0% of the previous year. This indicator shows the volume of people living without at least three concepts of a preferred list, including eating meat, chicken or fish at least every two days, keeping the house at an adequate temperature or having mobile, between others. In the Community of Madrid this figure is 8.5%.
“Missing effective measures against material poverty,” says Dávila. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt urgent measures, aimed at this sector of the population at risk, such as the one proposed by Delete VAT in purchases that are made with the purse card. With this, he says, “a true social shield” would be offered. This model was introduced so that families with children in their charge dispense with food banks to food baskets and could directly acquire the necessary basic products in supermarkets. Since this model was designed in 2021, says Dávila, “the price has increased by 30%” in the essential products, to which it is pointed out, 4% VAT is now added after decaying the temporary reduction of the Executive from Spain about the tax at the end of last year.
“This measure would greatly relieve vulnerable families, allowing resources to be destined for the essentials” by having more purchasing power after eliminating the surcharge of the tax tax, says the Minister of Family. In addition, with this, he argues, “It would be avoided that the State be enriched unfairly to this system And, what is worse, at the cost of continuing to increase child poverty. “
The design and introduction of currency cards has been a measure questioned from the beginning by the regional government. From the Ministry it is criticized that “The system has left thousands of people without access to basic products” not including families without children and other circumstances. In the Community of Madrid, the benefit has reached about 6,000 families for 2024 (which is around 21,000 people) derived by local entities, of the 9,480 that was expected to arrive initially.
Since 2025 began, card management went to regional administrations. To do this, Madrid already works in its own service to guarantee coverage. The new cards that are prepared will be physical and their endowment will depend on the number of members who compose the family unit: if there is an adult and a child, they will receive 130 euros per month; if there are three members, 160 euros per month; In households formed by four members, it will be 190 euros and in those of four or more the figure amounts to 220 euros. These amounts will be paid monthly, although the details have to be defined.
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