For the first time in the history of Sewing teachersthe casting is fully composed of celebrities, thus premiering the edition Celebrity of the format. Names like Eduardo Casanova, Pilar Rubio either Monica Cruz, among many others, participate in the talent of 1.
“Is The most spectacular edition“said the presenter, Raquel Sánchez Silva.” We return in style, with more desire than ever, “he added.” You may think you know the apprentices, but here they present His most unknown facet: his passion for fashion”
The program started with a fabulous parade of all its applicants with clothing of well -known designers, such as Eduardo Navarrete or Versace, among others. “I’m shock With the casting we have“He said Palomo Spainwhich was part of the jury. “PERCHA SOBERA, but here you have to sew“The presenter recalled.
Likewise, before giving the leaving the contest, the applicants starred in a Fun Start between Basque. “I couldn’t let this fantasy miss,” he said The earth With pieces of meat in the hand, in the purest Lady Gaga style.
Edu Casanova threatened to leave several times, winking other competitions and CANCO RODRÍGUEZnext to Edu SotoThey analyzed their rivals. “Be careful, that in the last talent I devoured nine hungry transvestites, “he replied Carmen Farala.
#fabulous #start #celebrity #edition #Sewing #Masters #Pencha #Sobrare #sew