The Extremadura Business Corporation (CEX Capital) plans to allocate 10 million euros to different investment projects in 2025, which They will generate an induced investment 65 million euros and around 300 jobs.
Investment and development plans this year have focused the REunion of the Board of Directors of CEX Capitalwhich has been held this Monday, March 17, in Conventual San Benito de Alcántara and has had the presence of the president of the Board of Extremadura, María Guardiola.
Among the matters that have been addressed in that meeting, the Board of Directors of the Corporation has ratified a Increase in your contribution to the Coveless Engineering companywhich will materialize with the entry of the corporation into the capital of the company in which it had already participated.
The object of the investment, within the corporation of the Corporation to strengthen the Extremaduran business fabric, is to contribute to promoting a booming sector such as the one of the Roboticssupporting Coveless Engineering in their growth plans, both of its structure and the template. In fact, one of the purposes of this investment is to favor the incorporation of more personnel in Extremadura.
The president of the CEX Capital Council, Agustín Delgado, has framed the plans approved by 2025 in line with the purposes with which this investment company was created “to boost the growth of Extremadura companies, accompanying them in their growth and development plans, to contribute to the strengthening of the business fabric of the region”.
Exhibition of participated companies
The work day began with a visit to the hydroelectric power plant that Iberdrola has in Alcántara reservoir and then a visit was also carried out by the works of the new Alcántara bridge, which the companies execute Senpa and Placonsaall members of CEX Capital
In addition, the cloister of Convent has hosted a sample of the work that is carried out by four companies currently participated by the Extremadura Business Corporation, all immersed in development and growth plans and that have explained to the directors and the president of the Board of Extremadura, María Guardiola, her first -hand work.
Specifically, companies such as Entecowhose activity is focused on the manufacture, printing and marketing of rigid and flexible materials for product packaging, mainly in the pharmaceutical and food sectors. With the support of the CEX Capital, the company foresees significant growth, both in billing and employment, increasing its workforce from 97 to 125 workers in Navalmoral de la Mata.
Another of the companies present in Alcántara has been the AGROCGELADOS LA CUERVAspecialized in the production and marketing of frozen fruits and vegetables -with a special approach to red fruits -, supplies the main supermarket chains and restoration at national and international level. With the support of the Corporation, the company, located in Jaraíz de la Vera, projects to double its turnover in three years, from 8 to 17 million euros.
The third of these has been Renewable metaldedicated to consulting, design, manufacturing, supply and assembly of structural systems for solar panels in large photovoltaic projects. The company, which has 50 technical profile employees, accumulates more than 15 years of experience in the sector with CEX Capital as the founding partner of the company.
Finally, Coveless Engineeringbased in Badajoz, it is a regional reference in industrial robotics and automation, and currently employs 30 people. The Corporation will strengthen its participation after the new agreement of this Board of Directors, with the aim of accelerating its growth and doubling its workforce until reaching 60 workers.
About CEX Capital
The Extremadura business corporation is a Regional Development Oriented Investment Societyconstituted in 1992 under the auspices of the Royal House. Since its creation, CEX Capital (Extremadura Business Corporation) has invested in more than 60 operations in the region With a business figure that exceeds 1.2 billion euros and with induced investment that has exceeded 1,000 million euros, generating a direct job of more than 5,300 workers.
Among their Shareholders Business groups, financial entities, the regional administration, and the Extremaduran business sector are found. Thus, they are part of the CEX: Iberdrola, Board of Extremadura, Unicaja, Ibercaja, Participations Trust, Cajalmendralejo, Banco Santander, Industrial Grupo Cl, Caja Rural de Extremadura, Foresta Capital, Senpa, El Corte Inglés, Diego Hidalgo Schnur, Caixabank, Telefónica, Campofrío, Endesa, Financial Corporation Alb among others.
#Extremadura #Business #Corporation #CEX #Capital #presents #Investment #Plan #million #euros #create #jobs