The war between the family of Alain Delon, one of the last leading men of the golden age of French cinema, adds a new chapter every day so far in 2024. The last one has been carried out by the French prosecutor's office, which this Thursday, January 11 has ordered a medical examination on the state of health of the 88-year-old actor, to determine whether to place him under judicial protection, as requested by his eldest son, Anthony Delon, 59 years old. A day before, the youngest of the family, Alain-Fabien, denounced his sister Anouchka (33 years old), a week after Anthony also denounced her. In statements to the BFMTV channel, he assured last Tuesday that her sister was using “crooked, mafia methods” with respect to her father. At 29 years old, the youngest of the brothers had until now been the quietest – even though he is the only one who lives with Alain Delon in the Douchy residence, south of Paris – but Wednesday's complaint shows that He and Anthony have a common front against Anouchka.
According to the firstborn, son of the actor The Leopard and the French actress and film director Francine Canovas, known as Nathalie Delon, the differences do not refer to the inheritance of the cinema myth, but rather their willingness to spend their last days in France. “I want to start by putting out a fire (…). All these stories about money, inheritance, these conjectures, they make me sick, because that's not what it's about,” Anthony told the CNews television network on January 5, one day after his interview on Paris Match, in which she described her father's deteriorating state of health since the stroke he suffered in 2019. In the magazine she also accused Anouchka, daughter – like the younger brother – of Delon and the Dutch model Rosalie van Breemen, of manipulate him and hide neurological examinations from his father. “Everything is resolved (…) My sister has 50% of my father's entire fortune. My brother (Alain-Fabien) and I have what is called the reserve part, that is, 25%,” explained the first-born. He and his brother want their father to remain in his impressive residence in Douchy – where he even had a chapel built -, he explained, while his sister wants to “return” the star to Switzerland, where he has his administrative residence and has the Swiss nationality since 1999. What worries Anouchka, his brothers consider, is that Alain Delon “will once again be considered a French citizen”, which would entail “a huge tax” post mortem.
But things go both ways, and if Anthony and Alain-Fabien have made a common front against their sister, she has added to her equipment to the patriarch of the clan. The actor, who stars in his biggest family drama at the end of his life, announced after his son's statements that he will file a complaint against him. He reproaches him for a “media scandal” and the intention to harm him and his daughter. Through his lawyer, Alain Delon also made it clear that he “cannot stand the aggressiveness of his son Anthony, who does not stop telling him that he is senile” and that he assures that he “has lived his last Christmas.” ”. Immediately afterwards, Anouchka also announced a complaint against Anthony for defamation, threats and harassment. Asked about his father's complaint, Anthony once again argued that Anouchka is manipulating him, and that is why he has requested “judicial protection” of the actor.
Alain Delon's lawyer, Cristophe Ayela, as explained in a letter sent to the prosecutor, agrees that a doctor examine the actor, but requests that a Swiss doctor be the one to decide what measures to take in relation to his state of health, as well as to obtain your consent regarding whether or not a therapeutic treatment is applied. Ayela alludes in his request to the fact that he had access to an “alarming letter” from the interpreter's Swiss doctor, in which he warned of the “lack of continuity of medical care in France.” Given his deteriorating condition and the numerous pathologies he suffers from, the lawyer sees a need for “regular follow-up” with “periodic examinations, care and check-ups.” To achieve this, it seems essential that he “continue the treatment that he started during his last stay” in the Swiss clinic he attended in June 2021. But the only one who seems to agree with Ayela's approach is Anouchka. On the contrary, the behavior of his brothers, according to the lawyer, “risks causing the premature death of Alain Delon”, since he denounces that they have appointed a general practitioner “who has no competence.”
Tormented by an unhappy and lonely childhood, Alain Delon imposed a brutal upbringing on his two children, which Anthony describes in a book published in March 2023 (Between chien et loup): “I could have deduced that this man, my father, did not love me, and thus let him annihilate a part of me.” This conflictive relationship contrasts with the love that the actor professes for his daughter Anouchka, born in 1990 and regularly described as the “woman of his life.” This complicity led the actress to present the honorary Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival to her father in 2019. She was the only one of all the children invited by her father to the ceremony, before being appointed executor of her will. “He never hid his preference for her daughter,” noted the actor's biographer, Bernard Violet, in an interview with Le Parisian published last Thursday.
But Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien have not always been separated into two camps. Last July, the three children of th
e French film heartthrob jointly filed a complaint against Hiromi Rollin, the star's “lady-in-waiting,” a term that she rejects. The court opened an investigation on charges of “moral harassment.” According to the then lawyer for Delon's three offspring, Hiromi Rollin, “he has isolated Alain Delon from his loved ones, friends and family, using maneuvers and threats” since the actor's stroke. Hiromi Rollin was expelled from the large family mansion, and her lawyer announced in turn that she plans to file a complaint “against members of the Delon family and security guards for aggravated intentional violence (…) confirmed by a medical certificate ”. One more in this intersection of accusations and lawsuits that only grows in the Delon family.
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