About to be five years after the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, Decree alarm in Spain as a result of COVID-19the care sector, aimed at those who suffered the most the effects of pandemic, has denounced that “The same structural deficiencies persist“That uncovered the health emergency.
This has been assured by the president of the Business Circle of Attention to Persons (CEAPS), Rafael Sánchez-Ostizduring an event held at the Madrid Press Association. “As a society we cannot afford to continue at the same point where we were in 2020,” he denounced.
Sánchez-Ostiz has specified that The big problems that the sector is going through They have to do with their infinance, the deficit of professionals, the inequalities between autonomous communities and, especially, the absence of effective socio -health coordination that “stops discriminating against the elderly or people in a situation of dependency who live in residences for the simple fact of residing in them.”
CEAPS estimates that, taking into account the constant increase in the needs of an increasingly long -lived population and the demands of increasing ratios, In 2030 the sector will need 100,000 more professionals for the provision of services in a financing environment that “grows at a turtle pace.”
On the other hand, he denounces the lack of some 90,000 residential places throughout Spain to meet the demand and demands an increase in financing up to 2%of GDP for the dependency sector, compared to 0.7%, which is below the OECD average (1.4%).
To alleviate “the endemic deficit of professionals”, CEAPS demands, among other measures, that the historical infinance to which the sector is subjected is corrected. This “would allow Offer decent wages and attractive working conditions For more people to be interested in working on it, “says the circle. In parallel, he defends, professional roles are flexible and” the processes of contracting of foreign people are agile to attract well -trained professionals. “
The situation, serious even if there is no other pandemic
The president of the employer of Residences has stated that the pandemic evidenced the need to reinforce templates, but five years later the sector still without finding doctors, nurses and gerocultors sufficient that guarantee a higher quality care.
Thus, even the assumption that the world does not have to suffer another pandemic such as Covid-19, the situation continues to be serious. The birth crisis and population aging make, if not reverse, Let’s walk towards a stage where it will be very difficult to provide optimal service to dependent people.
However, Sánchez-Ostiz has assured that it is unquestionable that the coronavirus has made the sector “A little better prepared“In the event that another respiratory pandemic arrived today, although, he repeats, the deficiencies in the system are notorious.
On the other hand, although it celebrates that the preliminary project for the reform of the agency, approved just a month ago, forces the regional governments to Implement coordination procedures Among the health and social services, Sánchez-Ostiz is skeptical about its effective implementation if there is no “state decision at high level”.
According to a map made by the employer of dependency, all communities have documents and protocols to act before the COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases, but Only 3 of the 17 have advanced something for socio -health coordination protocols: Galicia, Andalusia and Aragon, which have units or commissions of socio -health coordination.
“It is absolutely necessary for the public system to assume its responsibility in the health care of people living in residences,” said the president of CEAPS, for whom “it cannot be that the care sector is geriatizing when Residences are not hospitalsare the homes of the most vulnerable people of the system, who have chronic diseases and pluripatologies that need the care of health professionals. “
In this regard, Sánchez-Ostiz has announced that he has requested a meeting with the Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduyto address the structural lacks that affect the sector. “During the pandemic they left us alone,” he insisted, before remembering that on February 18, 2020 CEAPS sent a first letter to Pablo Iglesiasat that time second vice president of the Government and responsible for the portfolio that Bustinduy runs today, requesting a meeting before the situation that were already being lived in the residences, but that was not attended.
Telecare reinforcement
From CEAPS they also insist that “You have to give priority” to those elderly “who decide to live alone” in their homes. “Not everyone has and wants to live in residences. The real problem is unwanted loneliness,” he defends Pascual tapecurrent vice president of the employer, who directed during the worst of the pandemic.
Thus, Pascual considers that “we must improve the assistance of those who live in their homes”, something that already collects the Draft Dependency Law.
Although it is still necessary extends outside the home. In this way, the benefit, focused so far on personal care and domestic activities on a day -to -day basis, will allow auxiliaries to accompany the person dependent on the doctor or the purchase, which, according to the Ministry of Social Rights, will encourage the autonomy of people.
Likewise, the reform states that all people in a dependency situation will have the right to receive telecare regardless of the rest of the benefits or services. This goes in the line of the shock plan approved in 2021, which already considered telecare as a subjective right. However, four years later, according to the dependency observatory data, Only 42% of people served in their homes have this service.
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