As we all know, the kidneys are vital organs in charge of the removal of toxins and waste from the bodyas well as in regulating balance and minerals. Without all this balance, muscles, nerves, and other tissues are likely do not work correctly.
As if that were not enough, the kidneys also produce hormones that help control blood pressure, produce red blood cells and keep bones strong and healthy. To promote kidney health and prevent diseases related to these two bean-shaped organs, it is essential take care of our diet.
Hence, foods like quinoa take on a lot of prominence. And it is an excellent toning both kidneys and is perfect for people with digestive problems. Thanks to its vitamin and mineral content, it is especially recommended as energizing and restorative.
It is also used in abscesses, hemorrhages, dislocations or to combat liver conditions, angina and cystitis. Among its most notable properties, it is worth noting the following:
- It is a great option for vegans.
- It has more protein than any cereal.
- Prevents diseases, such as breast cancer, type 2 diabetes…
- It has good fats.
- Contains complex carbohydrates.
- It is rich in fiber and minerals.
- Relieves constipation.
- It has a high calcium content.
- It is perfect for athletes.
- Helps maintain a healthy weight.
It should be noted that Quinoa is a very positive food for our body.. Now, we should not abuse it either. If you take large amounts, your stomach could become irritated due to a layer of saponins that contains.
However, by washing the quinoa well before cooking it, it is very possible May that problem be eliminated. So unless you’re allergic to quinoa or eat your fill, it’s pretty unlikely that makes you feel bad. Don’t hesitate to give it a try.
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