The disturbing and slow death of Enrique VIII, the English king of the six women

In the history of England, the king Enrique VIII It is one of the key men, being not only the main exponent of the Tudor dynasty, but also because it was the one that gave way to the Anglican Church and caused a schism with the Vatican, not giving permission for its divorce from Catalina de Aragón, daughter of the Catholic Monarchs.

King Henry VIII, however, has also reached our days due to the fact of having married up to six times, and having decapitated two of his wives, Ana Bolena and Catalina Howardthat had a different death than the English monarch would enjoy.

The unpleasant death of Enrique VIII

The image of Enrique VIII has been fluctuating over time, going from an icon in the history of England to a more realistic image, and in that aspect his death has also done it, when an autopsy that reveals the Best spooky days that King Tudor had.

This autopsy has revealed that the image of the dying king was far from that of his youth, and would die with a deformed body that included a leg full of sores and ulcers, as well as a swollen waist, with pus wounds, which joined an attack on an attack of gout, a set that generated that it gave off a bad smell that reached several rooms.

The last days of Enrique VIII: serious mobility problems

The death of Enrique VIII was given on January 28, 1547 at the Whitehall Palace in London In his bedroom, which had not moved for several days due to the fact that his mobility problems became more constant until he could prevent him from leaving.

In his deathbed he received attention and help, without telling him that he was dying for fear of reprisals, in a mobility problem that was aggravated after having been caused by a serious cured serious injury.

The mobility of King Tudor became lesten What complicated the deal with the wife that survived him, Catalina Parr.

#disturbing #slow #death #Enrique #VIII #English #king #women

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