The Digital and Telecommunications Transformation Agency (ATDT) has said that the document “Reform to the Federal Telecommunications and Radiodifusion Law”, to which the press has mentioned recent days, does not have its endorsement.
This supposed project for reforming the law proposes to increase taxes to technological platforms, such as Google, Amazon and Netflix. In addition, it raises the creation of a solidarity fund for the maintenance and development of telecommunications infrastructure in Mexico.
This instrument would be funded by contributions made by large technology companies. The objective would be to reduce the financial load current streaming, Social networks and electronic commerce.
Christian Blancas, director of Social Communication of the ATDT, clarified to Wired in Spanish that “the version or the supposed draft referred to Expansion It is a document that is not validated by the digital transformation agency, therefore it cannot be considered true. ”
In an additional statement, the ATDT ensures that “the bill for the reform of law that is worked together with the legal counseling of the Federal Executive does not propose the creation of any solidarity fund, nor the collection of taxes or additional rights to those already already contemplated in the existing legal framework. ”
The use of digital platforms has significantly increased Internet traffic in Mexico. According to data from the Federal Telecommunications Institute, video platforms in streaming They generate 60% of the Internet traffic in the country. These exceed social networks, which contribute 6.1%, and Marketplaceswhich generate 2.6% of traffic. This increase in the use of digital platforms has led to an increase of 26% in Internet traffic in the country during the last year, according to data from Cloudflare.
The businessman Carlos Slim suggested last week that digital platforms pay for the use of telecommunications networks, arguing that these companies benefit from the infrastructure of the operators without contributing to their maintenance.
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