The difficult story of Fermín Muguruza with Madrid: boycots and threats, but also surprise concerts and popular defense

I bring a scene that portrays, surely, a corner in the memory of many boys and girls grown in the 1990s. There is a group sitting on the wooden bank in a park. Some occupy the support, with their ass in equilibrium and the feet on the seat. The rest, flutter around with the spasmodic energy of posadlescence. There is a liter of Mahou beer on that same plank and recorded music ribbons are passed. In the cover of one of them – a bad folio window – a phrase in Basque is read in the universal blue bolis: Azken Guda Dantza (the last war dance). The live album recorded by Kortatu in 1988, its farewell, is much more than a testament for a generation that has arrived somewhat late to the trajectory of the Irún group and lives the peak of the point and followed dictated by the Muguruza brothers, Negu Gorriak.

It is a scene that explains why this Saturday, during the 40th anniversary concert of Fermín Muguruza in the Palacio de los Deportes in Madrid (Movistar Arena and before Wizink Center), those kids who today cross the decade of the forties will mix with others that then they had entered into adulthood and with several later generations. All generations that were still ideologized with rock and that, in an exercise halfway between nostalgia and conscious statement, fly a We are still through anger and joy.

The scene could have happened in any city in Spain – and even in the world – but that the stage was Madrid, it has it of its own characteristics. Because Madrid is one of those cities where water and oil are mixed; our park’s kids and the front line inhabited by the realistic and Carcundia. Here, make a little yours The Basquewhich then had among the cultures of the left a power of gray fascination in acritic fetishism, it was uncomfortable.

“Being friends with Negu Gorriak brings problems with the powerful … anti -fascist militants from Madrid who were arrested, when they were available to the judge in addition to asking them for their relationship with Basque left -wing organizations, they were surprisingly inquirted to answer if they knew the members of Negu Gorriak or had come to their concerts. ” It happened in 1995, as explained in The victory of the wordwhich makes a tour of the group’s history.

The relationship of the Muguruza with the city of Madrid has been difficult during these last four decades. Furrowed with boycott, boos and threats, but also of great exceptions of love. With an eye on the concert that will bring together Kortatu, Negu Gorriak and Fermín Muguruza in the same scenario, we wanted to remember some passages of this love-hate relationship.

Cancellation cancellation

Long before the cancellation culture was discussed, Muguruza had become synonymous with the term in the capital of the kingdom. The first time it was already sounded. On June 7, 1986, some 400 young people waited at the doors of the Gas Campo (Gasometer Street in Arganzuela) to attend a Kortatu, Tdek and Commando 9 mm concert. They did not know that Government Delegation had suspended him a few hours before and that the police would go to dissolve them. The anger was such that street incidents occurred in the Ronda de Toledo area, which extended to the Malasaña area at night.

Cancellations and vetoes would occur on other occasions, especially in the 2000s with the Popular Party in Power. After eight years bogged down with the complaint that General Rodríguez Galindo put to talk about drug trafficking in Intxaurrondo in the song USTELKERIAin 2001 the acquittal of the Supreme Court arrived for Negu Gorriak. The group, which had dissolved in 1996, will then meet to celebrate it with three major dates.

But, paradoxically, 2000 would be very hard years for Muguruza. Sarri, Sarria Kortatu song that all of Spain had frantically danced a few years earlier, it was now brought to collection again and again by the lawyers of the association of terrorism victims, the media and the municipalities for the letter, which narrates the Iñaki Pikabea’s prison leak, Pitiand Joseba Sarrionandia, Sarri.

In 2004 several concerts by Fermín Muguruza Kontrabanda (Huesca, Valencia, Burriana or Madrid) were canceled. The expansive wave came far in time, and still in 2016 there will be pressures to cancel the concerts of Fermín Muguruza and the Chikos del Maiz at the Getafe restless culture festival.

In the midst of the Aznarist climate, the embarrassing episode of the music awards in 2003 was also to be allegedly part of the ETA business conglomerate (relationship that was judicially denied years later). Muguruza dedicated the award to the workers of the medium and its director, Martxelo Otamendi, who was among the public. Although there was some shy applause, that night in the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Madrid the most represented voice in the plate was that of the boo.

Rivas Vaciamadrid’s concert or the determination of wanting to see Fermín

On May 22, 2004, in the flat wave of cancellations, a remembered concert of Fermín Muguruza Kontrabanda and other groups in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the birth of the EZLN and the tenth anniversary of the Zapatista survey was held , organized by the Ladinamo Cultural Collective. It was supported by the City Council, governed by the United Left.

But it was impossible for things to run normally. Only a few hours before the event, the Community of Madrid had communicated its prohibition, to which Ladinamo opposed. The concert was held on the same day as the marriage bond between Felipe de Borbón and Letizia Ortiz, so the aired press that was an act of boycott at the royal wedding. Although the concert had its own reason for being, it is true that Fermín usually refers to the day as that of the “parasite mating ceremony” and recalls with guasa that that Saturday, while Jarreaba in Madrid, in Rivas looked a splendid sun.

Ladinamo, linked to Madrid’s social movements, had a place in Lavapiés, a neighborhood whose idiosyncrasy house with the history of the Muguruza and has crossed on other occasions in its history: Kortatu’s first concert in Madrid organized him Green Onda in the Cabesteros Plaza (current Nelson Mandela) in 1985.

By surprise in the squatters: the acoustic concert in the Patio Maravillas

The Rivas was the last official concert in the Community of Madrid until which he offered in Getafe in 2016, which does not mean that the artist did not appear in the city during these years.

Fermín appeared by surprise in the first headquarters of the Patio Maravillas – in reality, the call had run Sotte Voce– To support the Okupado Social Center, which had received eviction order. For the acoustic concert, a band was mounted by the members of the Grande Marlaska and waste group.

The history of the different groups of the Muguruza brand has always been linked to the social centers, inside and outside the peninsula. In the year 2000, the Nevera de Pueblo Nuevo had played in the CSO in support of the Molotov publication (a history of diagonal, then the jump). Already in the 1990s, a current of collaboration of the Madrid autonomous environments had been forged with their seal, Esan Ozenki, who also signed facts against the decorum, one of the gangs par excellence of the Okupas from Madrid. Some of those musicians will be part of the kontrabanda.

The injured concert of Joxe Ripiau in the South Salaistan

The great absent at the mass meeting on Saturday will be Íñigo. The youngest of the Muguruza, protagonist actor of Kortatu and Negu Gorriak, left us in 2019. In June 2000 the musician was presented in Madrid with Joxe Ripiau, one of the most traveled musical projects of Íñigo after Negu Gorriak together with Sagarroi . During the previous weeks, the capital’s media began to receive inquisitorial notices for fax that a Muguruza would play in Madrid.

It should be celebrated that the words were not passed from the words, this time, to the facts, but more words did arrive, which endangered the celebration of the concert. Armando Rua, head of the Chamber, first received the notice of an organization of the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University. They intended to demonstrate in front of the room to show their rejection of the concert. The narrows of the central street of La Cruz, where the South one was, turned the threat into a potential danger. Subsequently, he received another call. On this occasion they said that there would be knife.

The organizers decided to move forward with the concert after informing the police, which appeared in the room when it had already begun. More words were to blame: the warning that a incendiary bomb had been placed in Suristan. Two countryman agents reviewed the room and the concert, which attendees remember as a great party, he continued. According to Rua In the Podcast Barrio Caninothe police snapped when he left that he should “better select his audience.” The threat was not unlikely. Already in 2001 his brother Fermín had suffered an attempt to attack during a concert in Barcelona, ​​when four men – who would be convicted of terrorism – detonated without much success a homemade artifact.

The Fermín Muguruza and his with Madrid has been a rugged relationship. A rugged tour that has a festive stop next Saturday, invoked under the arcana of the ska, the hardcore, the reggae, the soul, the punk or the trikitixa. An intergenerational pogo that has some challenging attitude on both sides of the stage. A party contained in the comfortable geography of the Sports Palace that will not overflow, but will try to be a celebration of coherence and survival.

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