According to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), the date of the first registration in Spain dates from October 31, 1900 in the Balearic Islands. The model in question was a dion bouton engine of two CV of 130 kg of weight.
More than 100 years later, there are many new vehicle buyers who seek to know what is the last registration granted in Spain by mere curiosity.
The change in registrations
The last registration assigned in Spain, according to data from Diesel or gasolineit is from this same March 13, 2025. The lyrics of the registration are mzc.
It is important to remember that since the beginning of the century, that is, the year 2000, the enrollment consists of four numbers and three letters. In addition, in the left zone of it is a European flag, its stars and the letter E of Spain.
Thanks to these elements you can make an infinity of combinations and, for this reason, You can spend 40 years without a plaque being repeated.
So, What is the change that the DGT already prepares for license plants? Well, since 2022, newly enrolled vehicles carry in their plates as the first letter the M, after three years in which the L. was taken in a few weeks, after the vehicle enrolled with the 9999mzz combination, Registration in Spain will become NBB.
This pattern began to be adopted, among many other reasons, with the objective of Promote integration and boost the sale of second -hand cars between the different provincessince the well -known provincial badges that appeared at the end of the registrations were eliminated.
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