In an effort to improve road safety and foster a more responsible and efficient conduction, General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) He has announced a new measure that will reward drivers with two extra points in their card for completing certain voluntary training courses. This initiative covers from specialized courses for motorcycle conductors to programs focused on safe and efficient driving. In addition, it aims to reduce traffic accidents and promote greater awareness of drivers.
Road education has always been a fundamental pillar in accident prevention, but with this new approach, the DGT seeks to take another step by encouraging drivers to stay updated and improve their skills at the wheel. In addition, these additional points in the card, with a limit of up to 15 extra points for participation, are both a reward for continuous training as well as a stimulus for drivers to be more responsible and adopt safer and safer habits on roads.
Through this new regulation, the objectives of the DGT are clear: reduce accidents, promote continuous training, integrate new security technologies and reward responsible drivers. With these measures, the DGT seeks to make roads a safer place for everyone.
Courses that grant extra points

These courses are available for both tourist drivers and motorcycles, and have been structured in two main modalities: one to improve the driving of cars and another for motorcyclists and cyclomotor. These courses, volunteers, allow drivers two additional points in their card, with a limit of 15 points, provided they are carried out with a frequency of every two years. Next, the characteristics of the courses that allow these extra points are described:
- Courses for motorcycle conductors (Class permission A): They are designed to improve motorcyclists’ skills and prevent accidents. Through theoretical and practical classes, participants learn to handle the motorcycle in different traffic conditions, to use the appropriate protection equipment and react correctly to risk situations.
- Safe and efficient driving courses: The DGT offers courses for all drivers, focused on improving driving in general. These courses teach techniques to handle the vehicle more safely and economically, such as maintaining adequate distance with other vehicles, reducing fuel consumption and adapting to road conditions. It is also taught how to anticipate traffic situations, which increases security and reduces the risk of accidents.
In order to access these courses, drivers must meet certain requirements. We can distinguish between the general and specific requirements. As for the generals we find two fundamental requirements: the driver must be the holder of a valid driving license and must have a positive balance of points in his card at the time of performing the course. This ensures that drivers already possess the basic skills and knowledge necessary to drive the type of vehicle for which they are doing the course.
In addition, drivers can perform a safe and efficient driving course once every two years, which means that the course cannot be carried out continuously in a short period of time. For courses aimed at motorcycle conductors, it is necessary for participants to have a motorcycle driving permit in force, in addition to meeting the conditions on the type of motorcycle and circulation roads. Motorcycle driving courses may have a modality of training in the city or on conventional road, depending on the specialization that the driver requires.
As for safe and efficient driving courses, they have two specific requirements. These must have a minimum duration of six hours, including both the theoretical and practical part and depending on the vehicle and the traffic roads, motorcycle courses can be divided into urban and conventional road modalities, adapting to the specific needs of each driver.
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