The chaplain that was arrested this Thursday night at the Highlands School El Encinar, in the area of the moral of Madrid, already accumulates five complaints of sexual abuse. The figure, advanced by the National Police, has been made public by the direction of this center in a communication in which he adds more details of the case that has shaken the educational community of the environment.
According to the statement, Father M. exercised as a primary and secondary chaplain at school, which he had reached in September 2023 “to cover a vacancy from another of our school priests” without recording complaints. But this Thursday an accusation of abuse was presented to a minor from the school. About 20.00 National Police agents stopped the defendant and began the search for other possible victims.
The publication of a first statement explaining this arrest and police investigations have resulted in at least four other complaints in just 24 hours. The appearance of more victims is not ruled out, since the case was known throughout Friday and has been communicated to the places where the accused priest, 58, has been working.
In the details that the Highlands adds in its statement, a center belonging to the Legionaries of Christ, is that the arrested priest exercised in the past of secretary of the controversial maciel maciel, founder of the order and sexual aggressor of minors for decades. In the statement, the director of the College –Jes María Delgado – explains that the priest was working there “because there was no antecedent of inappropriate behaviors against minors that prevented him from developing his work in an educational center.”
It also ensures that currently the legionaries of Christ have no record that there is any other accused cure or with a history of these crimes. “Our priests, like all the people who work in our schools, have the obligation to present each year a certificate of the Ministry of Justice for not having a history of sexual crimes as a condition to work within the school,” he recalls.
A school spokeswoman explains to Somos Madrid that at the time of knowing the arrest, they activated its protocol of safe environments against these facts, of those who say they have only had knowledge after detention. “We are aware of the severity of the facts denounced and this situation causes us a lot of pain,” they added in a first statement. The center’s address has promised to update information about the case On the regnum Christi website.
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