In 2025 the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) will focus on the investment and advice offers that have been born in the heat of new technologies. Among other things, the regulator will put special emphasis on cryptoactive, artificial intelligence (AI) and ‘finfluencers’, a new wedge term that refers to people who give investment advice through social networks. They are the most prominent aspects of the Activity Plan for 2025 that the institution has presented this morning.
“We have to adapt the supervision to new products, such as cryptoactive, and simplify the management of traditional products, without losing the essence of investor protection and the promotion of sustainable investments,” Carlos San Basilio said this morning. In the words of its president, the CNMV has proposed to be “more agile, more open and in continuous process of transformation”; And this goes through cryptoactives, AI and ‘finfluencers’.
Of course, the protection of the retail investor will have to adapt to the stage that has emerged from the hand of new technologies. Specifically, as regards the ‘Finfluencers‘, the CNMV will intensify the supervision of its channels on social networks to ensure that they comply with the market abuse regulation and guide on’ Finfluencers’.
For the best monitoring of the ‘cryptoactives’, on the other hand, the institution that presides over San Basilio plans to publish a question and answers document with criteria for the application of the Mica cryptoactive regulations, which is the European regulations that regulate this booming market And in some cases dangerous, as the recent fiasco of the Cryptodivisa $ Libra has demonstrated, a scandal in which the Argentine president Javier was involved Milei. In relation to this, the CNMV has announced that it will strengthen the dissemination between the sector and investors of the application of the new regulation and the definition of the Map of Capital Lighting Risk Map of cryptoactive service providers, the so -called PSC.
This, the reinforcement of the analysis of the use of AI by supervised entities and the creation of a special department for the protection of retail investor and financial education are the most relevant aspects that the regulator has been raised in its strategy of protection of the small investor .
The other two legs of the plan for 2025 focus on the promotion of companies financing through the capital market and the “transformation of the institution for a new environment”, as read in the statement. To deal with the former, the CNMV has committed to create a working group that will follow the recommendations made by the OECD for the revitalization of the Spanish stock market OA to encourage SMEs access to capital markets, among other things.
The so -called “transformation strategy”, meanwhile, will go through the implementation of a chatbot for the care of telephone consultations and the development of a strategic cybersecurity plan of three years in order to face emerging risks in the environment digital.
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