“The infringing will” of the public corporation is confirmed by having inserted in three programs a test in which the product of the sponsor, Interporc, is manipulated, mentioning its name several times by the presenter
The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has imposed a fine of 405,000 euros on RTVE for “the commission of a serious continued infringement” during a test of the ‘Grand Prix’ program, presented by Ramón García.
The infraction corresponds to having issued sponsorships without complying with the relevant legal requirements in the ham sandwich test carried out during the broadcasts on August 22 and 28 and September 4, 2023.
The CNMC confirms “the infringing will” of the public corporation by having inserted in the three ‘Grand Prix’ programs referred to, a test for the participants in which the product of the sponsor, Interporc, is manipulated, mentioning its name several times in the presenter.
Furthermore, according to the ruling, “it is the same sponsor that provides the prize for the program, in such a way that, in turn, it has affected the editorial responsibility of” RTVE.
Thus, the complaint filed by the Union of Open Commercial Televisions (UTECA) on behalf of several private television stations is resolved after the pertinent appeals, the administrative route, exhausting the administrative route, although a contentious-administrative appeal may be filed before the Court. National, within a period of two months counting from the day following its notification.
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