The Judicial Police of the Civil Guard has detected indications of crimes of influence peddling, urban and administrative prevarication, and unfair administration in the investigation against three leaders of the PP of Seville, to paralyze for eight years the project of a public funeral home in Mairena of the Alcor and authorize – in five months – another private to the family promoter of one of the investigated positions: Francisco Jesús Rodríguez Roa, a member of the regional executive of President Juan Manuel Moreno and current advisor to the RTVA by designation of his party.
The Civil Guard has investigated these facts – to the judge who opened previous proceedings in June 2024 – and has found in them indications of four criminal illicit, as recorded in the report sent to the Court dated January 13, to which he has This newspaper had access. In addition to expanding the crimes that the PSOE of Mairena del Alcor had denounced in April, the Civil Guard adds two other names to the list of alleged authors, where Ricardo Sánchez, president of the PP of Seville, delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in the capital and former mayor of Mairena del Alcor; and Juan Manuel López Domínguez, current mayor of the Sevillian municipality.
One of those new additions to the investigation is José Navarro Gómez, who was a delegate of Urban Planning in the Mairenero Consistory between 2015 and 2023. He currently presides over the PP of Mairena del Alcor and occupies an advisor position in the Urban Planning Management of the City of Seville (also governed by the popular). The other name is that of José Antonio García Gascón, the legal advisor who, according to the Civil Guard, “irregular” the granting of the major work license for the benefit of the family business of Rodríguez Roa.
The facts investigated
The case of the Mairena del Alcor funeral home dates back to 2015. It was then that the City Council – with the current leader of the PP of Seville to the head – approved in a plenary The neighbors. A year later, in 2016, the Consistory gave the green light to the Draft tank. But the construction never started and the project of a municipal funeral center was kept in a drawer for eight years.
Meanwhile, the same session – with Juan Manuel López in front – authorized in 2021 the works license to make a private funeral home (today already built) in another location of the same municipality of 24,000 inhabitants. The local PSOE denounced an “urban ball”, since the company awarded this project belongs to the family of a high leader of the Andalusian PP, Francisco Rodríguez Roa, and of which he was part as a worker for eight years.
The Socialists in Mairena del Alcor took the case to the courts in April 2024, convinced that the corresponding judicial investigation will lead to the first imputation of PP leaders in the executive of President Moreno. The head of the Court of Instruction number 1 of Carmona (Sevilla), Francisco José Córdoba, opened previous proceedings in June and ordered the Civil Guard Judicial Police to investigate whether after the paralysis of the Municipal Tanatorio of Mairena del Alcor a crime is hidden of prevarication and influence peddling, as the socialists point out in their complaint.
“Rational indications” of influence peddling
After months of investigation, during which the summary secret was decreed to “avoid undue leaks” since it affected “a public administration and people who run public office”, the Civil Guard Judicial Police concludes in its report that “we could Be before the commission of criminal illicit related to all the actions of the municipal officials, their advisors and commercials, for having allowed the construction of the funeral home [vinculado a la empresa familiar de Rodríguez Roa]”
Among the infractions to the Criminal Code detected, the Civil Guard coincides with the complainant in pointing out that “there are rational indications to an alleged crime of influence peddling” by accrediting the “prevalence of public office and their relationship with each other, in favor of a economic interest in between ”. The Judicial Police argued by focusing on the “excellent and exquisite administrative diligence” dedicated by the municipal administration when issuing the technical, legal and resolution reports required by the company linked to the high position of the Andalusian PP (Previpaz SL), “All favorable in very short space of time.”
That speed in the management – he tied five months to get going – contrasts with the paralysis suffered by the municipal project and with the slowness with which another private initiative was processed that emerged previously, as reflected in the report. The Civil Guard considers this point “a relevant indication” of that favor of favor that is denounced, to the extent that the municipal officials worked with “extreme administrative diligence” in the case of the initiative related to their party (coming to sign ” In a single day ”several technical, legal or resolution reports, even on Sunday), while the project of another mercantile that requested the license eight months before was expanding until it ended up“ abandoning it ”.
Administrative and urban prevarication
In the opinion of the Judicial Police, the possible influence peddling is also revealed in “the permissibility” of the administration when granting the required license, despite “the repeated breaches of the hearing procedures” required by the Law, and “allow to carry out the works of the reformed without the mandatory major work license or responsible declaration” and “do not carry out inspection work of the works entrusted to the urban agency in more than two years.” For all this, the report concludes at this point that “all [los responsables municipales y asesores] They had knowledge and did not acted according to current regulations, and in favor of the PREVIPAZ SL Mercantile ”.
The Judicial Police also understands that from the processing of the private funeral home there is an alleged crime of administrative prevarication, considering “irregular” the issuance of the resolutions associated with it. According to the report, the Administration “grants the major work license knowing that the legally required hearing process had not been fulfilled in a timely manner”. The Civil Guard report points to the “necessary cooperator” to the legal advisor who authorized the granting of the major work license and the transmission of the ownership of that license, even when “the deadlines of the hearing procedures have been breached and manifest manifest and repeatedly”.
In relation to this point, the Civil Guard incorporates the crime of urban prevarication, since the promoter carried out “the works of the bar/cafeteria/cuisine and the installation area of the crematorium, without the preceptive work license or responsible statement ”. These additions are today “executed in their entirety”, as “it is clear in the inspections carried out recently” by the Judicial Police “and by the technical services of the City Council”, as guaranteed by the report. At this point it is recalled that the local administration has “the obligation to monitor urban services”, but in this case the City of Mairena del Alcor Obró “omitting at all times the realization of mandatory inspections (…) and not Nothing was done about it. ”
List of alleged authors
Together with these crimes, the Civil Guard also indicates that of Desleal Administration, which attributes to the current leader of the PP of Seville and delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in the capital, Ricardo Sánchez. According to the report, Sánchez would have caused “a damage to the public heritage managed by his position”, during his stage as mayor of Mairena del Alcor (a function he played between 2011 and 2019). Specifically, the report mentions an “expense of 21,118.76 euros” for the drafting of the construction and exploitation project of the public funeral home, initiated in 2015 “without a specific date or signature”, and later abandoned. This project was also raised on “non -urbanizable land”, without the necessary modification of general planning to initiate its construction.
The rest of legal infractions fall on number two of Sánchez and current mayor, Juan Manuel López; on the previous Councilor for Urbanism in the City of Mairena and today Technical Advisor in the Urban Planning Management of Seville, José Navarro Gómez; as well as on “The administrators of the mercantiles Gesit Traceability of projects SL and Previpaz SL”, companies that executed and promoted the project of the tank already built, and “those who have benefited from that prevalence that has influenced the benefit of the development of the tank project ”, According to the conclusions of the Civil Guard.
From the content of this report prepared by the Judicial Police, the judge in charge of the case will have to decide who cites to declare who already imputes, depending on the indications detected. Thus, the open judicial process will continue to advance against several PP leaders around possible crimes of prevarication and influence traffic.
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