The founder of Glovo, Oscar Pierre, prosecuted by criminal RIDERS sanctioned by the Labor Inspection has affirmed that the announced change to the work of its distributors is due to the “pressure” of the criminal process against them and the fines of the labor authority for the use of false freelancers. “The box does not give you to operate,” he said in a interview In the newspaper.
The Catalan businessman has affirmed that it was a “bad coincidence” the announcement of the transition to the labor model one day before he declared before the judge. “It was a coincidence, I had no logic to announce it just a day before because it did not favor us at the reputational level, or my process. I understand that he gave a message to the people of ‘Mira, they are guilty and are surrendering, ”he said.
Pierre continues to insist that Glovo’s operation model “is legal”, but maintains in the interview that the multinational chose to leave the autonomous model that aims to combat the Rider law after the opening of the criminal trial against him and before the “pressure economic ”of the sanctions of the Labor Inspection for the use of false freelancers.
“Then, when you see the criminal via, on the one hand, already an economic level that you have to put all that ‘cash’ and freeze it comes a point that you cannot more,” he said.
Fear of more managers: “I have caught today”
The Chief of Glovo maintains that the beginning of the criminal process against him was an important trigger for the transit to the labor model. “The beginning of the criminal case was quite a beast. When they changed the Criminal Code we already sensed something, but until you see yourself in front of the bull you do not realize the seriousness of the matter, ”he said.
In addition, this fear of criminal process extends to more managers. “On the criminal part, the law is written in a very broad sense and speaks of managers. Today I have ‘caught’ me, but I talk to my whole team and know that they are also accused. The CEO of Delivery Hero I understand that it could also ‘catch’ in some way, ”he tells the newspaper.
The founder of Glovo believes that the Ministry of Labor put them in “the eye of the hurricane” with a differential treatment with respect to Uber Eats, which also operates with freelancers. “I understand that we are the greatest, that the inspection has limited resources and the times of the administration are those that are… but that our competitor is inspected with two or three years of delay gives a competitive advantage beast and I no longer tell you reputational, ”says Pierre.
Still waiting for the announced labor change
Although Glovo spread the labor change on December 2, the result of the “bad coincidence” mentioned be effective.
Pierre says that he still doesn’t know how many RIDERS They will exactly distribute with Glovo, since they are “starting this process” of conversion, but estimates that “between 10,000 and 15,000” and that a direct hiring model and another of subcontracted fleets will be combined.
In fact, the businessman encourages people to believe fleets, since the multinational “is not prepared” to create those same jobs in half a year. “We have had office workers who have decided to leave it to set up one. I do not know if we are actively promoting it, but we are not prepared to internalize 12,000 or 13,000 people in six months, so all the fleets that are believed, better, ”he says.
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